19 August 1965


From:           Commanding Officer, 1st Bn, 4th Marines (-)(rein)

To:                Companies A, B, C, D, H&S, LVTs, Tanks, Ontos and Co C, 1/7

Subj:             Battalion Defense (191800H to 211200H)

For period 191800H through 211200H, Companies A, B, C, D will man forward positions with 2 squads reinforced with weapons from each platoon and patrol each platoon sector continuously during hours of darkness.  Movement to forward positions by squads (rein) after 1900 but prior to moonrise by different routes at staggered times.  Supporting units and squads remaining in patrol bases (rear MLR) maintain 50% alert during hours of darkness.

During daylight hours one squad (rein) from each platoon will man and patrol forward position sectors and 25% alert in patrol bases.

Report departure from rear positions, arrival at forward positions and return to rear of each squad in addition to hourly and incident reporting to this Headquarters.  Maintain Bn TAC Net during hours of darkness with minimum of hourly checks.

Company C, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines maintain 2/3 alert in positions during darkness with minimum of continuous squad patrol in area assigned.  1/3 alert during daylight hours with minimum of continuous fire team patrol in area assigned.


This page last corrected 16 September 2011