090800H Aug 1965

Daily Civil Affairs Report No. 4

Period covered: 040800 Aug 65 to 030800H Aug 65

Map:   Viet Nam 1:50,000 Sheet 6757 III serial L701


1.                  One of the Marines suspected in the assault of the woman and child in Xuan Trung Hamlet (GC 519091) on 29 July attempted to give the family 7275 Piasters to pay for any damages and to show his regret that the incident occurred.

2.                  The Battalion Chaplain, the CA Officer, Mr. Khoi (Chief of Xuan Trung), and a Vietnamese interpreter accompanied the Marine.  The Chaplain explained to Mr. Khoi and the woman’s husband that the money was a gift, a token to show regret.  Mr. Khoi did not seem opposed to the gift; however, the husband refused the money and stated that he only wanted the doctors to continue treating his wife and child.

3.                  Mr. Khoi and the husband seemed grateful that the gift was offered; neither seemed to have a hostile attitude as a result of the assault.


This page last corrected 16 September 2011