Morale and Discipline


A.                 Morale.  The morale of the Battalion is good.  The units are eager for opportunities to close with the enemy.  The Battalion has occupied its present positions, which offer little opportunity for contact with enemy forces of significant size, since 10 June.  Factors effecting morale are:

(1)  Lack of significant action and static location.

(2)  Inadequate shelter for troops.  Many men are living under makeshift shelters due to lack of tentage.

(3)  Lessening in frequency of A rations.

(4)  Ice ration has stopped.

(5)  Mail delivery erratic.

(6)  Inadequacy of stock in Exchange.  Necessities (razor blades, toothbrushes) have not been in stock for lengthy period.

(7)  Clothing stock for cash sales has been low.

(8)  Recent receipt of authorization to promote Marines under the ‘Any MOS quote’.  The quote was filled at once.  One minor adverse affect is lack of warrants to present to the newly promoted men.

B.                 Discipline.

(1)  There were seven cases of unauthorized absence during the period.

(2)  Non-Judicial Punishment.

(a)               Battalion Commander 11 (Art 86, 91, 92, 134).

(b)               Company Commander 24 (Art 86, 92, 113, 128).

(3)  Courts-Martial.

(a)               Completed

(1)   Summary Courts-Martial.  None

(2)   Special Courts-Martial.  Two

(b)               Pending:

(1)   Summary Courts-Martial.  None

(2)   Special Courts-Martial.  Four

(4)  There are two investigations pending.  One is a formal board, involving injury; no disciplinary action is anticipated as a result.  The second is an Article 32 investigation.


This page last corrected 16 September 2011