From:       Commanding Officer

To:            Commanding Officer, 4th Marines (-)(rein)

Subj:         Dust Control, MSR, vicinity BT 532085; request for


1.                  In vicinity BT 532085 are located two Company CP’s and attendant messing areas.  Traffic on MSR just to seaward of these CP’s creates a tremendous amount of dust.  The prevailing wind drifts this noxious cloud over the CP’s and messing areas.  This creates a significant hazard to the health of the men affected (some 200).

2.                  Local measures to control speed of vehicles on the MSR during mess hours have proved ineffective.  On 6 August, MP Platoon Commander intervened to attempt to prohibit the Company Commander from taking local measures.  I can, and will, move one of the CP’s as soon as possible.  The other cannot be moved without unacceptable sacrifice of tactical control.

3.                  Therefore, it is requested that such measures as may be necessary to reduce the dust in the area be taken.  Possible measures appear to include some or all of the following:

a.     Rigidly enforce a 5 MPH speed limit in affected area, especially during meal hours.

b.     Oil that portion of the road.

c.      Continuously water that portion of the road (once every hour as needed).


This page last corrected 17 September 2011