7 August 1965

From:        Commanding Officer

To:             Commanding General, Third Marine Division (Forward)

Via:            Commanding Officer, Fourth Marines (rein)

Subj:           Frequency Assignment; request for change of

Ref:     (a)            Annex G (Communication/Electronics) to Operation Order 321A-65


1.                  On 1 August 1965, this Battalion changed its frequency assignments in accordance with reference (a).  During the period from 1 August to 3 August continuing overriding interference from ARVN units was experienced on the Bn TAC #2 frequency, which made it unusable.

2.                  The Battalion TACP local frequency (D-194) was tried as an alternate frequency during the period from 3 August to 6 August with the result that overriding ARVN interference was again present, coupled with inability to reach stations operating at any distance from the Command Post.

3.                  The frequency currently assigned as the Mike Company, Third Battalion, Fourth Marines, TAC Net, (D-247) was previously assigned as this Battalion’s TAC frequency and over an extended period of time was found to be acceptable for operations in and around the Battalion TAOR.

4.                  It is requested that this frequency (D-247), be reassigned to the First Battalion for use as the Battalion TAC #2 frequency.


This page last corrected 17 September 2011