18 August 1965


Report of incident between Junk Fleet personnel and Civilians of Ky Ha Village, 170900H.

An incident involving approx 100 civilians of Ky Ha Village, a bulldozer from the CB unit working in vicinity of BT 520118 and the Junk Fleet personnel of Unit 15 occurred at 170900H.  According to the U.S. Naval Advisors attached to the Junk Fleet, a number of civilians placed themselves in the path of a bulldozer that was attempting to clear a tract of land to relocate the Vietnamese Naval Base.  The Junk Force troops moved boats into the area and, according to the Junk Commander, Lt Ha, the crowd became agitated.  A burst of machinegun fire caused the crowd to halt the demonstration.

When the 1st Bn S-2 arrived at the incident location he noted three (3) Junk Naval craft with machineguns pointed at a crowd of local Vietnamese vic BT 520117.  No bulldozer was in area.  Lt. Hale, senior Junk Fleet Advisor, was talking to some of the local people and Lt. Ha, Junk fleet Commander.  The S-2 awaited the return of Lt. Hale and Lt HA at the AmTrac park.  Upon the return of the Advisor and Lt. Ha the S-2 asked for a briefing on the situation.  After some discussion the briefing was granted.

The following is a summary of S-2, 1/4 conversation with Lt. Ha, Junk Division #15 Commander.  Conversation with Lt, Ha was in English and Vietnamese with 1/4 ARVN Liaison Officer, Mr. Co as interpreter.

  1. The Junk Base had been authorized to move to its new location by Province Headquarters.
  2. Mr. Cam, Village Chief of Ky Ha Village, would not meet with the Junk Base Commander on the problem of use of the land.
  3. The Junk Base Commander had the permission of the land owner to use the land and had coordinated the use of the bulldozer with him.
  4. Lt. Ha claims the Village Chief instigated the riot and that Mr. Cam and the people who demonstrated were Communists.
  5. Two (2) agitators (unconfirmed) were extracted from the crowd and are presently being held by the Junk Division.
  6. Junk Base weapons were fired only to stop demonstrators.  No casualties reported.
  7. Lt. Ha reported that the Ky Ha Popular Forces were ready to fight him.  (No large concentration of PF were observed in incident area by this reporting Officer).
  8. Lt. Ha stated that he would like to capture Mr. Cam, as Lt. Ha believes him to be a Communist.

The general attitude of Lt. Ha appeared to be that he had complete authority to act as he did and that any agitation of local people was the direct result of Mr. Cam’s prodding.

Summary of conversation with Mr. Cam, Village Chief of Ky Ha, Mr. Thl, Ky Ha Village Security Chief and 1/4 S-2.  Conversation was entirely through 1/4  Liaison Officer as interpreter.

1.                  In Jan 1963, Mr. Cam received written orders from higher headquarters to the effect that Naval Junk Fleet #15 would establish a base in the Village of Ky Ha. A meeting was held with all concerned present and the base location was settled during the last months of 1964.

2.                  The Junk Fleet left Ky Ha and moved to Ky Hoa Village without informing Mr. Cam of their movement.

3.                  After the Junk Base was destroyed by VC action the Naval Unit returned to Ky Ha without written orders to do so.  They have remained on Ky Ha land ever since, and no written permission has been received by Mr. Cam.

4.                  Mr. Cam stated that the Junk Base Commander was attempting to overthrow his political authority and assume control of Ky Ha Village. 

5.                  Mr. Cam assured 1/4 S-2 that the PF were not about to do battle with the Junk ‘Fleet.

6.                  Mr. Cam stated that the daughter of the land owner was mistreated by the Junk Fleet Commander (unconfirmed).

7.                  During the meeting many people were coming in and out of Village Headquarters.  Mr. Cam stated he would not give up control of the Village to the Junk Fleet Commander unless he had an Official Paper.


This page last corrected 17 September 2011