21 August 1965


Incident report of 21 Aug 65, 1st Bn, 4th Marines (-)(rein)

Order of events:

1.                  210510H – D-3 reported three (3) boats in river vic BT 509087.  (Note: Illumination fired 210507H, 210509H, 210512, 210535H)  S/A fired across bow.  Boats continued to move.  Only two (2) boats observed after initial warning shots.  One (1) boat had lights on it.  One (1) boat appeared to be attempting to land vic BT 509087.  S/A and A/W fired to hit.  Unit heard women’s voices and ceased fire.  Boat was last seen moving South vic BT 502084.

2.                  B-2 reports boat landed 210610H vic BT 514093 with wounded girl.  The girl had a gunshot wound in her right thigh.  Medical Aid administered by Corpsman:  Interpreter stated that the girl said she was hit by Marine firing.  Girl was taken to 1/4 BAS and medical aid given.  Her right leg has missile wound and the bone is broken.  Girl taken to B-Med for treatment.

Statement of girl taken by 1/4 S-2 using ARVN Liaison Officer as interpreter.

Name: Lo Thi Theo

Age:    19

Home: San Linh Hamlet, Ky Ha Village, Ly Tin district.

The girl was acting as an oarswoman on a boat that was fired on vic of An Tay.  There were two (2) boats in the party.  The forward boat was without lights and the boat that the girl was in was ten (10) meters behind with two (2) lights on it.  The girl stated there was four (4) illumination rounds fired and then weapons fire from Ky Ha shore.  The girl was hit in the leg and fell overboard.  The women began to yell and scream and the firing stopped.  The girl was then taken to shore.

The girl stated that the shooting occurred at 210630H, or when the sun was one (1) meter high.


1.                  The girl is mistaken about the time of shooting and may be lying.

2.                  Delta Company did shoot at boats and it appears that the boat of the injured girl was the boat fired on by them.


This page last corrected 17 September 2011