After Action Report


After Action Report #10, Two company search and destroy 8-10 August 1965

Units Involved and Strengths:

Company B (-)(rein)

1st Plt (rein)

3rd Plt (rein)

Company Headquarters

Arty FO Team


Company C (-)(rein)

1st Plt (rein)

3rd Plt (rein)

Company Headquarters

PF Plt

Battalion Command Group


Time:  Company B (-)(rein) landed by helicopter 081115H.  3rd Plt (rein), Company C, departed position at Hill 69 (BT 468068) at 0900H.  1st Plt (rein), Company C, landed by helicopter 090715H.  Company B (-)(rein) heli-lifted to MLR positions at 091230H.  1st Plt (rein), Company C, returned to MLR positions by trucks at 101310H.

Place:   Western portion of TAOR.


Friendly:   USMC   12   WIA

Enemy:     VC           7   VCK

                                   3    VCW

Nature of Action:   Two company operation, involving Company (-) combat patrol, two Company (-) search and destroy, and Platoon (rein) combat patrol.



Company B (-)(rein) heli-lifted in LZ vicinity (BT 436089) at 081115H and commenced combat patrol, moving on two platoon axes west along assigned patrol route.  First Platoon proceeded to patrol base at (BT 418079), while 3rd Platoon established patrol base vicinity (BT 426081) and conducted local squad patrol.  Enroute to patrol base 1st Platoon observed three VC vicinity (BT 423090) at 081440H and three VC vicinity (BT 417089) at 081445H.  In each case the enemy was taken under fire at long range and artillery was called, with negative results.  Eight more VC were spotted vicinity (BT 405075).  Artillery fire mission had no results because of time delay.  No VC casualties were observed.  Platoons remained in position at patrol bases until after dark.

At 082030H, 1st Platoon commenced movement south along trail at (BT 414076), west from (BT 411073), and south at (BT 404071).  Third Platoon moved out at 082100H, following same route to (BT 411073) and then southeast along trail.  A frag grenade booby trap was discovered and removed from trail vicinity (BT 413071).  A maze of concealed punji stakes and traps were found between (BT 426062) and (BT 428060).  Third Platoon reached blocking positions at (BT 429059), (BT 431057), and (BT433058) by 090615H.  First Platoon, Company B reached blocking position vicinity (BT416043) at 09055H, and observed civilians moving southwest in paddy fields vicinity (BT 426039) at 090615H.

Third Platoon, Company C moved from position on Hill 69 (BT 468068) at 090600H along route to secure helicopter landing zone at (BT 451052).  At 090600H eleven WIA’s were sustained when platoon moved off trail at (BT 452052) to establish LZ perimeter and activated bouncing type fragmentation device.  First Platoon, Company C, landed at 090715H and was followed by the Battalion Command Group and PF Platoon.  First Platoon moved out to west of hamlet at (BT 445054) to form a block for PF Platoon sweeping hamlet from east to west.  A total of 19 women and 38 children were apprehended and subsequently released.

At 090935H, 1st Platoon, Company B, sighted eleven VC at (BT 414034) and directed artillery fire mission against same.  Three VCK were observed.  At 091000H, as platoon moved closer to escape route vicinity (BT 425043), point observed group of VC at (BT 422036) and took them under fire, wounding two.

First Platoon, Company C, continued to vicinity (BT 438043) at 090925H, when they were taken under fire from estimated three VC vicinity (BT 434044).  As platoon maneuvered to envelop enemy, a pressure type explosive device was detonated at (BT 437043), resulting in two WIA’s.  Firefight with VC ensued in which two VC were killed.  Two weapons were captured, a Thompson sub-machine gun and a MASS-36 rifle.

At 091015H, 3rd Platoon, Company C, commenced sweep of Ky Long (1) Hamlet (BT 435053) from east to west.  At 091045H, 3rd Platoon, Company B, observed one armed VC leaving hamlet at (BT 434056) and took him under fire.  One VCK.  Seven more were seen fleeing across paddies vicinity (BT 433050).  Third Platoon, Company B took them under fire at long rang, killing one and wounding one.

Third Platoon, Company C, completed sweep of hamlet at 091115H and held up at (BT 434054).  Third Platoon, Company B, moved south from (BT 432058) and joined 3rd Platoon, Company C, in sweep south to vicinity (BT 429045).  First Platoon, Company B, moved down from blocking position, and three platoons moved back towards landing zone, preceded by 1st Platoon, Company C.  Artillery was called to silence sniper fire received from vicinity (BT 425046) during return to landing zone.  First Platoon, Company C, secured landing zone at (BT 442051) and remainder of units lifted out at 091430H.

First Platoon, Company C, continued combat patrol to establish patrol base on Hill 51 (BT 447065).  At 091605H two VC were spotted by point at (BT 447062), but fled and escaped as they were taken under fire.  Ambushes were established vicinity (BT 445064) and (BT 448063) at 092100H.  Platoon departed patrol base at 100845H and continued along route north and east to An Tan Bridge (BT 497066) for truck pickup at 101230H.  Platoon returned to MLR at 101310H.


This page last corrected 17 September 2011