Chronological Summary

August 1965


1 August         Company B (-)(rein) continued on extended three-day combat patrol, which had commenced 31 July.  Squad sent out from Patrol Base after dark to establish ambushes returned at 010730H with negative contact.  Three squad patrols were conducted during morning, two with negative contact.  Third patrol strayed outside of 1/4 TAOR by taking the wrong trail and sighted several small groups of VC vicinity (BT 3909).  In one contact, an unarmed male of military age was sighted at (BT 399089).  Man immediately fled, was ordered to halt, continued to flee, and was shot.  As patrol pursued, man crawled into undergrowth and escaped.  Search of surrounding terrain revealed area suitable for observation post and a small hut containing clothes, carbine, and knife.  Patrol was later fired upon vicinity (BT 393087) by four VC wearing helmets.  Fire was returned and contact broken.  This patrol represented the first significant contact with VC in this sector in several days, indicating the VC have re-routed traffic to trails located outside the TAOR.

2 August         Ambushes were set by Company B (-)(rein) during night of 1-2 August with no enemy contact.  Ambushes secured at 020430H and Company (-) moved out eastward following two separate axis.  Some type of booby trap was detonated at (BT 425085), but no shell fragments could be found.  Platoons continued without further incident to truck pickup point (BT 467081) at 020830H.  Operation involving sweep by Company C (-)(rein) into blocking positions formed by Company B (-) (rein) was cancelled due to non-availability of helicopter support.  ‘Visit was made to 1st Battalion, 4th Marines by new CO, 4th Marines, Colonel MacClanahan.

3 August         Company A (-)(rein) was trucked to vicinity (BT 447092) at 031700H and conducted night combat patrol along route eastward to LVT pickup point (BT 462091) the following morning.  Three rounds fired by snipers constituted only contact on the patrol.  On MLR positions one casualty was sustained at 031850H when a VC threw a grenade into foxhole in Company B’s area (BT 528082).  Man, in critical condition, was heli-evacuated, died the following morning.  It was decided that in the future all civilians within fifty meters of our lines would be apprehended, regardless of age or sex, and turned into the regimental collection point.

4 August         Underwater survey was made, by UDT and Force Reconnaissance personnel from APD-123.  LVTs on night waterborne patrol apprehended thirty-two local nationals in eight boats for violation of curfew regulations.  Boats were searched and identification of persons was checked.  Four men had no identification.  All thirty-two were turned into the Regimental Collection Point.  At 042045H, PF Platoon at (BT 515091), on its way to setting ambush, ran into Marines from Company B, who challenged, illuminated, and quickly fired 5-6 rounds.  Marine fire team with PF Platoon identified themselves and firing ceased.  No casualties were sustained on either side.

5 August         Thirty-nine curfew violators were apprehended during early morning hours by waterborne patrol.  Second Platoon (rein), Company B, landed by LVTs on Ky Xuan Island vicinity (BT 480110) at 051000H, conducted combat patrol arriving pickup point vicinity (BT 512094) at 051515H.  No enemy contact.  At 050900H, 1st Platoon (rein), Company D, departed splash point (BT 517115) by LVTs and landed on Peninsula (BT 461109) at 050940H to commence combat patrol.  One VCS was apprehended fleeing from house vicinity (BT 447103) at 051230H.  Patrol shot and killed a water buffalo when it charged their formation at (BT 447113).  Platoon continued to pickup vicinity (BT 437127) without further incident.  Local patrols had no enemy contact.

6 August         Second Platoon (rein), Company A, conducted daylight combat patrol on Ky Hoa Island.  No enemy contact.  First Platoon (rein), Company B, conducted combat patrol on small island at (BT 4712) and Ky Xuan Island.  Total of ten VCS were apprehended and turned into Regimental Collection Point.  Four of the ten were later determined to be VC, one of which was area VC leader.  The Battalion Civil Action Outpatient Clinic treated about 100 people at An Hai Hamlet (BT 515114).  Most of these were children who were suffering from skin infections, worms, coughs, and anemia.

7 August         Company D (-)(rein) commenced two-day extended combat patrol west of TAOR, landing by LVTs vicinity (BT 415125) at 070840H and patrolling southwest and south along two axis.  A total of ten enemy contacts were made during the day.  One platoon swept through village centered (BT 408114) and was taken under fire at 081000H by snipers in tree line at (BT 404114).  Three individuals were seen running from trees and were taken under fire.  One was wounded and a second captured.  Wounded VCS died enroute to 1/4 CP in helicopter.

                        One Marine WIA was sustained vicinity (BT 402118) when enemy sniper fire was received simultaneously from three directions.  Artillery was called on estimated 10-15 VC, with poor effect on target.  Platoons continued on patrol, contacting several small enemy units, and wounding at least one VC.  Patrol base was established vicinity (BT 412073) at 071815H.  Three night ambushes were established, with no enemy contact.

8 August         Company D (-)(rein) secured ambushes at 080500H and patrolled eastward to helicopter landing zone at (BT 436089).  Sniper fire was received from (BT 420089) and (BT 442082).  In each case enemy withdrew from contact.  Return heli-lift to MLR positions was completed by 081157H.  Company B (-)(rein) lifted into same landing zone at 081115H and commenced combat patrol west to patrol bases vicinity (BT 420080).  Groups of three, eight, and three VC were observed enroute to patrol bases at long range.  Artillery fire mission had poor results, no VC casualties being observed.  Platoons departed patrol bases after dark to move in blocking positions vicinity (BT 430058) and (BT 418043) by the following morning.

                        At 081330H, three Vietnamese children were injured when they picked up an explosive device on the beach vicinity (BT 534110).  One of the children threw the device, believed to be an M-79 round, against a rock and detonated it.  Children were taken to B-Med.  Parents and Village Chief were notified.  Two children were returned to homes.  Third was sent to hospital at Quang Ngai for further treatment.

9 August         Third Platoon, Company C, moved from Hill 69 (BT 468068) at 090400H to secure landing zone vicinity (BT 451052) for heli-lift of 1st Platoon, Company C, Battalion Command Group and PF Platoon at 090715H.  At 090600H, eleven WIA’s were sustained by 3rd platoon when bouncing type fragmentation device was activated at (BT 452052).  First Platoon landed and conducted sweep of hamlet at (BT 445054) with PF Platoon.  Total of 19 women and 38 children were apprehended and subsequently released.  At 090935H, 1st Platoon, Company B, in blocking position at (BT 418043), sighted eleven VC at (BT 414034) and called artillery fire mission, resulting in three VCK.  Platoon engaged group of VC at (BT 422036) and wounded two.  First Platoon, Company C, continued to hamlet at (BT 434044), where they received fire from estimated three VC.  Two VC were killed in ensuing firefight, and two weapons were captured.   Third Platoon, Company B, in blocking position at (BT 430058), observed eight VC fleeing hamlet at (BT 435053) as Third Platoon, Company C, swept from east to west.

                        Two VC were killed and one wounded as they fled to the west.  Units completed sweep of area and lifted out from LZ (BT 442051) at 091430H, with exception of 1st Platoon, Company C, which continued patrol to establish Patrol Base on Hill 51 (BT 447065).  Night ambushes were established.

10 August       First Platoon, Company C secured ambushes and departed vicinity Hill 51 at 100845H.  Patrol continued along route north and east to An Tan Bridge (BT 497066) with negative contact.  Platoon returned to MLR by trucks at 101310H.  Second Platoon, Company C, departed position at OP 2 (BT 497066) at 101215H, conducting combat patrol west towards (BT 4606), and returned at 101415H with no enemy contact.  Artillery (WP) was directed against Hill 270 (BT 428048) at 101605H in effort to denude possible VC ambush sites for future operations in Ky Long Hamlet vicinity (BT 4304).

11 August       Platoons patrolled from Forward MLR to Rear MLR prior to first light with no enemy contact.  Second Platoon, Company D conducted daylight combat patrol on Ky Xuan Island centered (BT 4809).  Second Platoon, Company A, patrolled Ky Hoa Island from vicinity (BT 4713) to (BT 5011).  No enemy contact on either patrol.  At 111500H platoon on OP 1 (BT 468068) reported groups of 4-5 individuals on Hill 51 (BT 445067) and hills at (BT 438072) and (BT 434079), possibly in process of setting booby traps.  Artillery and 81mm mortar fire were directed against Hill 51, and OP 1 was directed to provide platoon (-) for surveillance.  Search of Hill 51 produced negative results.

At 112130, 3rd Platoon, Company D, commenced combat patrol on Ky Xuan Island after landing by LVTs vicinity (BT 513093), and reported that a Marine had drowned in attempting to cross channel in that vicinity.  Additional LVTs were sent to the area to assist in search which continued all night with negative results.

12 August       Search for missing Marine was joined by helicopter at 120730H.  At 121330H elements of Companies A, B, and D commenced search of shoreline from vicinity (BT 515115) to (BT 498075), while Reconnaissance Team conducted underwater search from rubber boat in channel vicinity (BT 510090).  Negative results.

Platoon daylight combat patrols were conducted on Ky Xuan Island by 1st Platoon, Company C, and on Peninsula centered (BT 4410) by 2nd Platoon, Company B.  Latter unit apprehended two VCS hiding in a hole vicinity (BT 446105) at 120900H.  Platoon linked up with PF Platoon, which identified two VCS as VCC.

At 121040H a round, identified by Arty FO Team as a 155mm dud, was found vicinity (BT 437107) and was blown by heli-lifted EOD team.  Same patrol later apprehended five more VCS, one whom was determined to be a VCC, vicinity (BT 4510) form lack of proper identification.

A meeting was held between the Battalion Civil Affairs Officer and Mr. Cam, Chief of Ky Ha Village.  It was agreed that villagers would be allowed to dig up wood and bamboo vicinity (BT 520117), while Marines would be permitted to cut trees and hedgerows as necessary in Company C’s area (BT 525105).  Mr. Cam also agreed to Marines using land at (BT 527127) for a rifle range, and promised to warn his people to stay out of the area.

13 August       Company A (-)(rein) commenced combat patrol, heli-lifting to vicinity (BT 401080) at 130745H, and conducting local squad ambushes and platoon (-) patrols.  Squad patrol was conducted to vicinity (BT 390078), received sniper fire from vicinity (BT 388093).  Enemy withdrew from contact.  At 131600H all elements returned to patrol base vicinity (BT 407073) for resupply.  Local squad ambushes were established at 132000H.

Body of Marine missing since 112130H was found vicinity (BT 515093) by local villagers.  Battalion personnel were sent to claim the body.  At 131815H, Ly Tin District Headquarters reported a VC roadblock of platoon size at (BT 451087).  VC were reported taking people off buses at that location.  Marine artillery was called, and dispersed roadblock.  AO dispatched to the area could observe no further targets.

14 August       Company A (-)(rein) secured ambushes at 140400H and moved out to (BT 414079), where fire was received from estimated 4-5 VC with one BAR and one automatic weapon.  No one injured.  Company continued to vicinity (BT 426087) and observed 7-15 VC moving south at (BT 422097).  Air strike was called at 140715H vicinity (BT 417085).  Two squads were sent to search area upon completion of air strike, with negative results.  At 140720H, Company B (-)(rein) and Battalion Command Group landed by helicopters vicinity (BT 437085) upon completion of landing zone air prep, and Company C (-) (rein) dismounted from trucks vicinity (BT 439099).  Two Companies joined vicinity (BT 426093) and conducted sweep towards Company A blocking position vicinity (BT 421087).  A French grenade booby trap was discovered and disarmed vicinity (BT 433089).  Well-constructed bunkers were found vicinity (BT 428093) and destroyed by engineer squad.

Sniper fire was received from (BT 419093) at 141040H.  Fire was returned, and enemy fire ceased.  Sweep resulted in pickup and processing of 163 local nationals, 22 of who were adult males.  Of these, three were detained as VCS and remainder were released.  Units returned to MLR by helicopter and trucks 141300H-141500H.  First Platoon, Company B, was left on Hill 22 (BT 433089) to establish patrol base and night ambushes vicinity (BT 4107), and return the following morning.

The Battalion Civic Action Outpatient Clinic treated about 150 people at An Hai Hamlet (BT 515114).  The majority of the patients were adults suffering from coughs, general weak condition, and eye diseases.  Quantities of vitamins were also distributed to the villagers.

15 August       D+100.  CO, 4th Marines toured Forward MLR positions with CO, 1st Battalion, 4th Marines.  First Platoon (rein), Company B, at patrol base vicinity (BT 418079), secured ambushes at 150730H and patrolled north along river to Ong Bo Bridge (BT 430109) for truck pickup.  Enroute platoon received sniper fire vicinity (BT 421093) at 150905H from Hill 22 (BT 425091) and vicinity (BT 419084).  M-79 fire was returned on Hill 22.  Enemy fire ceased.  Third Platoon (rein), Company C conducted daylight combat patrol, departing Hill 69 at 150630H and returning 150920H.   Three sniper rounds were received 150800H vicinity (BT 452071) from vicinity (BT 448072).  One local national was apprehended in same vicinity for lack of proper identification.

16 August       B Gen. F. J. KARCH, Assistant Division Commander, visited Company A 160930H.  Local night patrols had no enemy contact.  Company B sighted a man to their rear vicinity (BT 517094) at 160530H, challenged him, and fired a warning shot when man fled.  Search of area produced negative results.  At 161100H one casualty was sustained by Company A squad outpost at (BT 527129) by incoming sniper fire.  Sweep was conducted by AT personnel and H&S personnel in the area, resulting in apprehension of three VCS.  First Platoon (rein) Company C, conducted combat patrol on Ky Hoa Island, landing by LVT vicinity (BT 517119) at 161200H and patrolling west to night patrol base at (BT 477143), with no enemy contact.  Two men in Flame Section were burned, one seriously, while burning out brush in Company C area (BT 524105) at 161540H.  Both were taken immediately to B-Med.  One VCS was apprehended by Company B vicinity (BT 526097) at 161820H.  Individual attempted to escape and had to be physically apprehended.

17 August       Assistant Division Commander visited Company B area 170930H.  Seventy-five percent of Battalion manned Forward MLR during hours of darkness.  No enemy contact.  First Platoon (rein), Company C, patrolled from night patrol base on Ky Hoa Island (BT 477143) to LVT pickup point at (BT 517119), with no enemy contact.  At 170845H a civil disturbance was initiated near Vietnamese Junk Division 15 Headquarters when Seabee bulldozer, upon request of Junk Commander, began clearing trees vicinity (BT 518116).  Civilians obstructed movement of bulldozer and began demonstration.  Warning shots fired in air by Junk Force personnel dispersed crowd of approximately 100 local nationals.  A meeting between Village Chief and Junk Commander was arranged by Battalion S-2, and Capt Tich, District Chief, acted as mediator.  Tension between involved parties appeared alleviated.  At 171330H District Headquarters (BT 478075) reported a VC platoon at (BT 454084) and (BT 446084) and requested mortar fire.  Platoon was reported to disperse into tree line when 81mm mortars on Hill 69 (BT 468068) were fired.  PF surveillance promised by District Headquarters failed to materialize.  At 171420H platoon on Hill 69 heard automatic fire vicinity (BT 460077).  Squad sent to check area received sniper fire, then apprehended one VCS hiding in hole vicinity (BT 455079).

                        The Battalion Civic Action Out-Patient Clinic treated 100 people at Xuan Trung (BT 519091) and handed out bars of soap and vitamins.  Both children and adults were treated for such ailments as worms, fever, eye disease, arthritis, stomach ailments, and upper respiratory disorders.

                        At 171530H, Company D (-) (rein) landed vicinity (BT 396087) and commenced combat patrol west of Battalion TAOR.  Night patrol base and local ambushes were established vicinity (BT 414078) and (BT 414082).

18 August       Company D (-)(rein) continued combat patrol to truck pickup point vicinity (BT 454087) at 181500H.  No enemy was contacted during entire patrol.  This was in striking contrast to previous operations west of the TAOR.  First Platoon (rein), Company C, relieved 3rd Platoon (rein), Company C, at OP 1 on Hill 69 (BT 468068).  Third Platoon returned to MLR positions vicinity (BT 525105).  Company C, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines arrived in 1/4 TAOR at 181000H and occupied defense area from (BT 500075) to (BT 509059).

                        Commencing night of 18 August local night patrolling was stepped up in intensity, in view of the fact that 18-20 August commemorated the Revolution of the Viet Minh and the Fall of Saigon to the Communists during the French Indochina War, and would thus be a likely time for attacks on U.S. military installations.  Platoons were transported by LVTs to Ky Xuan Island and Ky Hoa Island at 181800H, established patrol bases at (BT 500088) and (BT 508124), and conducted continuous squad patrols during the night.  Platoons in defensive positions also conducted continuous squad patrolling along the Forward MLR.  Squad patrol from Company B reported 80-100 men with helmets and dark uniforms vicinity (BT 516083) at 182210H.  Battalion was placed on 100% alert.  Another patrol was sent through hamlet (BT 5108) with interpreter.  Several villagers were questioned and all reported that they had seen no VC in the hamlet. Battalion was returned to 50% alert just after midnight.  Artillery and mortar illumination scheduled concentrations were fired every twenty minutes in front of MLR positions.

19 August       Intensive squad and fire team patrolling along Forward MLR continued.  Night waterborne patrol apprehended three curfew violators vicinity (BT 5113) at 190230H.  Platoons remained on Ky Xuan Island and Ky Hoa Island, conducting squad patrols intermittently during daylight hours and continuously at night.  At 192125H, Company C, 1/7, sighted five VCS who left boat and swam to vicinity (BT 498072).  No shots were fired.

20 August       Platoons on Ly Xuan Island and Ky Hoa Island departed patrol bases at 200730H, conducted daylight combat patrols and returned by LVTs 201500H.  Third Platoon, Company B, on KY Xuan Island, apprehended two male VCS vicinity (BT 480098) at 200900H.  Two VCS were sent to regimental collection point.  At 201430H two persons were observed by personnel of Company B moving in brush vicinity (BT 503086).  One warning shot was fired at one fleeing VCS after he had been ordered to halt.  Both VCS escaped.  Company C, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, lifted out of defense area 201800H.  Company B, 3rd Recon Battalion, was attached to 1st Battalion, 4th Marines at 201500H, and occupied defense sector vacated by Company C, 1/7, three VCS were apprehended by night waterborne patrol vicinity (BT 5013).

                        As a result of intelligence gained from local informant concerning activities and whereabouts of a VC leader on Ky Xuan Island, 2nd Platoon (rein), Company A was moved by trucks to vicinity of Ly Tin District Headquarters (BT 478075) and clandestinely transported by junks, after dark, to vicinity (BT 478088).

                        The Battalion Civic Action Out-Patient Clinic treated about 100 people at An Hai (BT 515114).  Two boxes of children’s books were also supplied for local children.

21 August       Second Platoon, Company A, apprehended five male individuals on Ky Xuan patrol (BT 485095) and (BT 487117).  Initial interrogation by ITT personnel indicated one VCC and three VCS.  Patrol returned at 211025H.  At 210500H, 3rd Platoon, Company D observed three boats vicinity (BT 509087), Artillery illumination and warning shots failed to divert boats, which were then taken under fire.  One female local national in boat was wounded in leg, and was subsequently treated at BAS and B-Med.  No male personnel were found in boats.

22 August      Continuous squad night patrolling along water’s edge continued, with no enemy contact.  Air strike was conducted vicinity (BT 421039) at 221100H on suspected VC supply point.  No personnel were observed in target area.  Company B, 3rd Recon Battalion, was detached at 221300H and heli-lifted out of assigned defense area.  Company C patrol apprehended one VCS vicinity (BT 517107) at 221500H.  Man was sent to Regimental Collection Point.  Air strike was conducted on western slope of Hill 270 (BT 4104) at 222200H.  Secondary explosions were observed, and target area continued to burn until morning.

23 August       Continuous squad night patrolling along MLR at water’s edge had no enemy contact.  During early morning hours Company D received three rounds from the rear.  It was determined that MAG personnel around Airstrip were shooting dogs because of rumor that VC were using dogs with satchel charges to infiltrate lines.  No one was injured, Company D patrol spotted three persons vicinity (BT 510064) at 232245H.  Patrol illuminated and received one round rifle fire, as individuals escaped.

24 August      Continuous squad night patrolling along water’s edge had no enemy contact.  Local informant led platoon combat patrol to Ky Xuan Island vicinity (BT 485103) at 240930H.  Two VCC and one VCS were apprehended during the special mission.  All three were sent to Division G-2 for interrogation.

25 August

26 August       At 260430H, Company A personnel saw person stooping over vicinity (BT 517110).  Marine challenged and illuminated, and fired two rounds.  Search of area at first light produced no observed results.  At 261445H, Company D apprehended three VCS vicinity (BT 523057) with no ID cards.  VCS were sent to Regimental Collection Point.  A checkpoint was established at (BT 534078) to permit fishermen of Than Long hamlet (BT 525086) to continue fishing while under population control measures.  Post will be manned from 0600H to 2000H by a Marine and a member of the Vietnamese SDC, who will identify all fishermen who come ashore.

27 August       Company D spotted one VC at 270415H in front of 2nd Platoon’s positions (BT 527083).  Marines challenged and threw illumination grenade, where upon VC dashed into brush and fired one round.  Marines returned fire.  Two rounds 81mm mortar illumination were fired but no further movement was observed.  Search of area at first light revealed nothing.  First Platoon, Company D heli-lifted to LZ vicinity (BT 421086) at 270900H and commenced two day combat patrol in western portion of TAOR.  Platoon patrolled to night patrol base vicinity (BT 418079) and established ambushes at (BT 413076) and (BT 414080).  No enemy contact.

                        Vietnamese Self Defense Corps commenced operation in Ky Ha village 272000H.  SDC will carry weapons and patrol hamlets during curfew hours (2000-0500), enforcing curfew and holding spot bed checks.

                        Company A assumed responsibility for defense of Hill 69 (OP #1), located at (BT 468068).  Second Platoon, Company A relieved 1st Platoon, Company C, during the afternoon at Hill 69.

28August        First Platoon, Company D moved out from night patrol base (BT 418079) at 280545H and continued along assigned route.  Platoon received sniper fire from vicinity (BT 440055) at 281000H.  One squad was sent in pursuit, but enemy withdrew from contact.  Platoon continued to Hill 69 (BT 48068) at 281205H for return heli-lift to MLR.  At 281920H, Ly Tin District Headquarters requested fire missions on VC platoons at (BT 435096) and (BT 438105).  Surveillance given following morning by District Intelligence Officer reported two VC killed and 8-10 VC wounded.

29 August       Third Platoon, Company C conducted daylight combat patrol, moving by LVTs at 290755H from splash point (BT 517116) to Ky Xuan Island (BT 505092).  Patrol was conducted with local informant and interpreter to locate VC caves and arms caches.  Platoon returned at 291450H with negative results. At 292150H two persons were spotted crouching near barged wire in front of 1/4 CP (BT 526090).  Marines illuminated and fired four rounds with unobserved results.

30 August       Second Platoon, Company A conducted combat patrol from position on Hill 69 (BT 468068) to vicinity (BT 4407) commencing 300900H in response to intelligence reports from Ly Tin District Headquarters that VC were digging caves.  At 301200H patrol received fire from vicinity (BT 446076).  Fire was returned, and platoon searched area and Khuong Tho (1) Hamlet, with negative results.  Platoon returned to Hill 69 at 301420H without further incident.

                        At 300710H, 3rd Platoon, Company B departed splash point (BT 517116) in LVTs and landed on Ky Hoa Island vicinity (BT 474139).  Platoon established patrol base vicinity (BT 502140H and conducted squad combat patrols, with no enemy contact.  Platoon made liaison during afternoon with Village Chief, Mr. Chuong, who reported 125 VC vicinity (BT 4316).  Artillery was directed against VC.  Third Platoon, Company B, was notified to remain on Ky Hoa Island overnight and provide security along western approach to LST unloading ramp (BT 5212).  First Platoon, Company L, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines was attached to 1st Battalion, 4th Marines during the afternoon to provide security around the LST ramp.

31 August       Third Platoon, Company B, remained on Ky Hoa Island overnight and conducted squad patrols vicinity (BT 5013) with negative contact.  Second Platoon, Company D conducted combat patrol in western portion of TAOR, departing defensive positions at 310710H by trucks and dismounting (BT 443097).  Platoon received sniper fire from (BT 436091) again from (BT 427087).  In each case the enemy withdrew from contact when fire was returned and elements were sent in pursuit.  At 311010H four WIA’s and two KIA’s were sustained when an M-49 type AP mine was detonated at (BT 428084).  Platoon was ordered to return to Highway #1 for pickup by trucks, while zone artillery fire was directed against vicinity (BT 4108-4208).  One secondary explosion was observed.

First Platoon, Company B relieved 3rd Platoon, Company B on Ky Hoa Island at 311745H and conducted squad patrols vicinity (BT 5013), providing security along western approach to LST unloading ramp.  At 31225H, 2nd Platoon, Company A, at Hill 69 Outpost, reported that two rounds of artillery had impacted at base of hill (BT 461075).  It was determined that rounds had been fired short by H-3-12 due to error on guns.  No one injured.


This page last corrected 16 September 2011