Training Conducted


A.                 Orientation and indoctrination briefings were conducted for all newly joined Marines.  The briefings, which are given by all of the staff sections, cover past and present operations, map orientation, rules of engagement, safety regulations, missions, units involved, and disposition of units.

B.                 Squad classes were conducted during the afternoon between the hours of 1400H and 1600H daily, depending upon the disposition of the company.  The classes were conducted with an emphasis upon the applicable portions of General Military Subjects, referring to the Battalion’s present location and situation.  These subjects included:

(1)  Night movement

(2)  Immediate action to enemy fire

(3)  Hand and arm signals.

(4)  Patrol conduct

(5)  Weapons maintenance

(6)  First aid for battle wounds, personnel hygiene

(7)  Personnel hygiene

(8)  Application of fire

C.                Live firing exercises were conducted at the rifle range (BT 528127) with the following weapons:  M-14 rifle, .45 caliber pistol, M-60 machine gun, M-79 grenade launcher, 3.5 inch rocket launcher, rifle grenades, and 60mm mortar.  Particular attention was given to qualifying personnel in the use of the 60mm mortar.

D.                Battalion scouts received instructions 23-24 August in the operation and maintenance of the AN/TPS-21 from FLSU personnel.

E.                 Communications platoon instructed company radio operators in the operation, maintenance and operating procedures of the AN/PRC-6 and AN/PRC-10 radio 25-26 August.  Communications platoon was instructed by Service Battalion in use of AN/PRC-41 and AN/PRC-47 radios 21 August.  Generator school was conducted 17-18 August for communications platoon by Service Battalion.

F.                 Live firing was conducted by 1st Platoon, Company B, 3rd AT Battalion on 14 August from vicinity (BT 533115) to target island (BT 527147).  Platoon also conducted driver training, firing panel instruction, and weapon functioning instruction.  1st Platoon, Company C, 3rd Tank Battalion conducted maneuvers and tank operation instruction 23-24 August.  Platoon also conducted section size classes on General Military Subjects throughout the month.  81mm Mortar Platoon conducted 16 hours of gun drill during the month.  Flame section conducted classes on the operational characteristics of the flamethrower.


This page last corrected 18 September 2011