7 August 1965


From:        Commanding Officer

To:             Commanding Officer, 4th Marines (-)(rein)

Subj:          Weekly Operations Summary

Ref:     (a)          4th Marines (-)(rein) Mag of 221900H July 1965

Encl: (1)            Significant Events Overlay


1.                  011200H.  Squad combat patrol from Company B (-)(rein) working from patrol base at (BT 419079), sighted several small groups of VC vicinity (BT 5909).  In one contact, an unarmed male of military age was sighted at (BT 399089).  Man immediately fled, was ordered to halt, continued to flee, and was shot.  As patrol pursued, man crawled into undergrowth and escaped.  Search of surrounding terrain revealed area suitable for observation post and a small hut containing clothes, carbine, and knife.  Patrol was later fired upon vicinity (BT 393087) by four VC wearing helmets.  Fire was returned and contact broken.  Patrol returned to patrol base at 011430H.

2.                  031850H.  On MLR positions one casualty was sustained when a VC threw a grenade into foxhole in Company B’s area at (BT 528082).  Man, in critical condition, was heli-evacuated, died the following morning.

3.                  040400H-040500H.  Eight boats with thirty-two local nationals were apprehended by LVTs vicinity (BT 513113) for violating curfew regulations.  Boats were searched and identification of persons was checked.  Four men had no identification.  All thirty-two were turned into the Regimental Collection Point.  During early morning of 5 August, in same vicinity, waterborne patrol apprehended seven boats with thirty-nine curfew violators.

4.                  051230H.  First platoon (rein), Company D, on combat patrol on peninsula centered (BT 4410), apprehended one VCS fleeing from house vicinity (BT 447103).  Patrol also shot and killed a water buffalo when it charged their formation at (BT 447113).

5.                  060855H-061433H.  First Platoon (rein), Company B, while on combat patrol on Ky Xuan Island (centered BT 4809) and small island centered (BT 4712), apprehended total of twelve VCS.  Several did not have proper identification and were captured after fleeing from patrol.

6.                  071000H.  Company D (-)(rein), on extended combat patrol, received sniper fire vicinity (BT 406118).  Two men were seen hiding in brush.  Men ran when members of patrol shouted at them.  Warning shots were fired and ignored.  One man was shot and the other captured.  Wounded VC died enroute to 1/4 CP in helicopter.  Others VCS was sent to Regimental Collection Point.


This page last corrected 18 September 2011