21 August 1965


From:        Commanding Officer

To:             Commanding Officer, 4th Marines (-)(rein)

Subj:          Weekly Operations Summary

Ref:     (a)            4th Marines (-)(rein) Msg of 221900H July 1965

Encl:    (1)            Significant Events Overlay

1.         First Platoon (rein), Company B, on combat patrol in western portion of TAOR, received sniper fire vicinity (BT 421093) at 150905H from Hill 22 (BT 425091) and vicinity (BT 419084).  M-79 fire was returned on Hill 22.  Enemy fire ceased.

2.         Third Platoon (rein), Company C, on combat patrol, received three sniper rounds at 150800H vicinity (BT 452071) from vicinity (BT 448072).  One local national was apprehended in same vicinity for lack of proper identification.

3.         Company B sighted a man to their rear vicinity (BT 517094) at 160530H, challenged him, and fired a warning shot when man fled.  Search of area produced negative results.

4.         At 16110H one casualty was sustained by Company A squad outpost at (BT 527129) by incoming sniper fire.  Sweep was conducted by AT personnel and H&S personnel in the area, resulting in apprehension of three VCS.

5.         One VCS apprehended by Company B vicinity (BT 526097) at 161820H.  Individual attempted to escape and had to be physically apprehended.

6.         At 170845H, a civil disturbance was initiated near Vietnamese Junk Division 15 headquarters when Seabee bulldozer, upon request of Junk Commander, began clearing trees vicinity (BT 518116).  Civilians obstructed movement of bulldozer and began demonstration.   Warning shots fired in air by Junk Force Personnel dispersed crowd of approximately 100 local nationals.

7.         At 171330H District Headquarters (BT 478075) reported a VC platoon at (BT 454084) and (BT 446084), and requested mortar fire.  Platoon was reported to disperse into tree line when 81mm mortars on Hill 69 (BT 468068) were fired.  PF surveillance promised by District Headquarters failed to materialize.

8.         At 171420H, Platoon on Hill 69 heard automatic fire vicinity (BT 460077). Squad sent to check area received sniper fire, then apprehended one VCS hiding in hole vicinity (BT 455079).

9.         At 192125H, Company C, 1/7, sighted five VCS who left boat and swam to vicinity (BT 498072).  No shots were fired.

10.       Two males were apprehended by 3rd Platoon, Company B, on Ky Xuan Island vicinity (BT 480098) at 200900H.  Two VCS were sent to Regimental Collection Point.

11.       Two persons were observed by personnel of Company B moving in brush vicinity (BT 503086) at 201430H.  One warning shot was fired at one fleeing VCS after he had been ordered to halt.  Both VCS escaped.

12.       Night waterborne patrol, between hours of 202015H and 202200H, apprehended three VCS vicinity (BT 5013).  One male VCS attempted to escape to shore in a boat.  LVT pursued and found man hiding under a boat.  VCS, when apprehended, attempted to escape.

13.       At 210330H, 2nd Platoon, Company A, while on combat patrol on Ky Xuan Island, apprehended five male individuals vicinity (BT 480115).  One of those was later determined by ITT personnel to be VCC and three VCS.  Fifth individual was released.

14.       At 210500H, 3rd Platoon, Company D, observed three boats vicinity (BT 509087).  Artillery illumination was called and warning shots were fired across bow of boats.  Rifle fire and AR fire were delivered on two boats, which continued in water, resulting in wounding of one female national.  Girl was treated by Company B corpsman and sent to 1/4 BAS, later to B-Med.


This page last corrected 18 September 2011