28 August 1965


From:       Commanding Officer

To:            Commanding Officer, 4th Marines (-)(rein)

Subj:         Weekly Operations Summary

Ref:     (a)            4th Marines (-)(rein) Msg of 221900H July 1965

Encl:    (1)            Significant Events Overlay


1.         Air strike was conducted vicinity (BT 421039) at 221100H on suspected VC supply point.  No personnel were observed in target area.

2.         Company C squad patrol apprehended one VCS vicinity (BT 517107) at 221500H.  Man was sent to Regimental Collection Point.

3.         Air strike was conducted on western slope of Hill 270 (BT 4104) at 222200H.  Secondary explosions were observed, and target area continued to burn until morning.

4.         Company D squad night patrol spotted three persons vicinity (BT 510084) at 232245H.  Patrol illuminated, whereupon one of the three individuals fired one round.  All three fled and escaped.

5.         Second Platoon; Company B conducted daylight combat patrol on Ky Xuan Island vicinity (BT 485103) commencing 240930H, and with the aid of a Local Informant apprehended two VCC and one VCS.   All three were sent to Division G-2 for interrogation.

6.         Third Platoon, Company A, upon completion of combat patrol, commenced return heli-lift from LZ vicinity (BT 437081) at 251205H.  At same time 3rd Platoon, Company C landed in same LZ.  Helicopters and troops received sniper fire from vicinity Hill 22 (BT 425090) and vicinity (BT 443083). Third Platoon, Company C deployed upon reaching LZ and returned fire on snipers.  Enemy fire ceased.

7.         Third Platoon, Company C, received more sniper fire vicinity (BT 430093) at 251315H.  Squad was deployed to area and apprehended four male VCS. Sniper fire ceased.

8.         Helicopters commenced lift to pick up four VCS from (BT 431096) at 251400H.  Heavy small arms fire was received from vicinity (BT 428092).  Two VCS were picked up in helicopters and two escaped during lift.  Platoon returned fire with small arms and 3.5’s, and called artillery fire mission, which was followed by CAS strafing runs.  Platoon formed on line and searched village (BT 428092) and brush (BT 427090) with negative results.  One bouncing type mine was discovered at (BT 431091), and Engineer Team was heli-lifted in to destroy it.

9.         Company D apprehended one VCS vicinity (BT 509078) at 251605H.  Man had no ID card and was taken to Regimental Collection Point.

10.       At 260015H, Company C squad patrol from Hill 69 outpost (BT 468068) heard movement from their rear vicinity (BT 469072) and set up an immediate ambush, whereupon 4-5 persons were coming up trail.  Patrol challenged and illuminated, then opened fire.  Two rounds 81mm mortar illumination were subsequently expended.  Search of area produced no observed results.

11.       At 260430H, Company A personnel near water’s edge heard noises near fence at (BT 517110).  Marine challenged, threw illumination grenade, saw a person stoop down quickly near his position, and fired two rounds.  Area was checked out at first light, with no observed results.

12.       At 261445H, Company D apprehended three VCS vicinity (BT 523057) with no ID cards.  VCS were sent to Regimental Collection Point.

13.       At 270415H, one VC was spotted at (BT 527083).  Marines challenged and threw illumination grenade, whereupon VC darted into brush and fired one round.  Marines returned fire. Two rounds 81mm mortar illumination were fired but no further movement was observed.

14.       At 281000H, 1st Platoon, Company D, on combat patrol at (BT 442061), received sniper fire from vicinity (BT 440055).  A squad was sent in pursuit, but enemy withdrew from contact.


This page last corrected 18 September 2011