1st Bn (rein), 4th Marines
Chu Lai, Viet Nam
161200H June 1965
Fm: CO, 1st Bn (rein), 4th Marines
To: 1st Bn, (rein), 4th Marines
Info: CO, 4th Marines
CO, 2nd Bn (rein), 4th Marines
CO, 3rd Bn (rein), 3rd Marines
Frag Order #44 (161200H to 171200H)
Ref: (a) Map: Viet Nam 1:50,000 AMS L701 Sheet 6757 III
Time Zone: H
1. Situation.
A. Enemy Forces. (See Current Isums)
B. Friendly Forces. (Remains the same) ARVN survey team will be in 1st Bn TAOR.
2. Mission. No change.
3. Execution.
A. Company A (rein). Conduct 3 squad size daylight patrols. Check for ambush sites.
B. Company B (rein). Conduct 3 squad size daylight patrols. Check for ambush sites.
C. Company C (rein). Provide one squad security for survey team 160830H. Be prepared to establish platoon (rein) outpost Hill 69.
D. Company D (rein). Be prepared for sweep on 17 June in conjunction with 2d Bn, 4th Marines and Popular Forces. Patrol assigned sector of restricted land. Keep civilians out of purchased area.
E. Attached Units.
1. 1st Plt, Co B, 3d Recon Bn. Displace to Bn CP. Coordinate with Hdqtrs Cmdt.
2. 1st Plt, Co B, 3d AT Bn. Direct support of Company A and Company B.
3. 1st Plt, Co C, 3d TK Bn. Direct support of Company A and Company D. Displace tank plt CP to PP CP location. Coordinate with Hqtrs Cmdt.
F. Coordinating Instructions.
1. Do not patrol through villages in area authorized for use.
2. Establish LP’s in likely avenues of approach.
3. Recon area forward of FEBA for OP location.
4. Submit overlays of likely ambush sites and patrol routes by 161500H.
5. Change emphasis of work to 60% FEBA preparation and 40% patrolling activities.
6. Insure equipment, ammo, grenades, etc are properly secured when carried.
7. Only T/O and T/E uniforms/equipment will be worn.
4. Administration and Logistics. No change.
5. Command and Communications/Electronics. No change.
Lt/Col, U.S. Marine Corps