1st Bn (rein), 4th Marines
Chu Lai, Viet Nam
191600H June 1965
Fm: CO, 1st Bn (rein), 4th Marines
To: 1st Bn, (rein), 4th Marines
Info: CO, 4th Marines
CO, 2nd Bn (rein), 4th Marines
CO, 3rd Bn (rein), 3rd Marines
Frag Order #47 (202400H to 212400H)
Ref: (a) Map: Viet Nam 1:50,000 AMS L701 Sheet 6757 III
Time Zone: H
1. Situation.
A. Enemy Forces. (See current Isums).
B. Friendly Forces. Popular Forces setting night ambushes along coast line in front of FEBA.
2. Mission. No change.
3. Execution.
A. Company A (rein). Conduct three recon patrols: One: TOD: 202000, TOR: 202200, Route: 528112-532114-529118-522116-527112. Two: TOD: 212000, TOR: 212230, Route: 527106-528108-524110-523116-520100. Three: TOD: 210400, TOR: 210800, Route: 522105-520114-517112-518101-523104.
B. Company B (rein). Conduct four squad size security/recon patrols: One: TOD: 210700H, TOR: 210900H, Route: 521095-523094-526095-528098-523097. Two: TOD: 210900H, TOR: 211030H, Route: 525091-525094-522093-523088-525089. Three: TOD: 210600H, TOR: 210900H, Route: 528087-525086-525084-521084-519082-529083. Four: TOD: 212400H, TOR: 220900H, Route: POD/R: 523097-515096-514104-518104-520100-524100-POR.
C. Company C (rein). Be prepared to reman outpost on Hill 69 with one platoon.
D. Company D (rein). Conduct three squad size security patrols. One: TOD: 210900H, TOR: 211300H, Route: POD/R: 531078-521068-531-68-524078-525074-POR. Two: TOD: 211630H, TOR: 212030H, POD/R: 522073-525064-526059-523055-518060-521061-520065-522067-521069-POR. Three: TOD: 212330H, TOR: 220400H, Route: POD/R: 518061-525052-520066-POR.
E. H&S Company (-) (rein). Be prepared to consolidate Bn CP on order.
F. Attached Units.
1. 1st Plat, Co B, 3d Recon Bn. Send one team on Popular Force patrol/ambush. Maintain radio silence on net. Report time of departure, when ambush is set, and time of return.
2. 1st Plat, Co B, 3d AT Bn. Light section in support of Company B. Heavy section in support of Company A.
3. 1st Plat, Co C, 3d TK Bn. Direct support of Company A (Light Section) and Company D (Light Section). Conduct training from 1200 to 1800 in GS 5105.
G. Coordinating Instructions.
1. Submit detailed after-patrol reports ASAP upon completion of patrol.
2. Submit patrol plans for period 220001H to 222400H by 201000H.
3. Pad or in some way mark metal tent stakes (safety hazard).
4. Rats are a problem. Keep areas policed and eat in authorized areas only.
5. Weapons shall be inspected daily.
6. Burn Frag Orders 24 hours after use.
7. Continue to improve defensive positions.
4. Administration and Logistics. No change.
5. Command and Communications/Electronics. No change.
Lt/Col, U.S. Marine Corps