1st Bn (rein), 4th Marines
Chu Lai, Viet Nam
230830H June 1965
Fm: CO, 1st Bn (rein), 4th Marines
To: 1st Bn, (rein), 4th Marines
Info: CO, 4th Marines
CO, 2nd Bn (rein), 4th Marines
CO, 3rd Bn (rein), 3rd Marines
Frag Order #50 (240001H to 242400H)
Ref: (a) Map: Viet Nam 1:50,000 AMS L701 Sheet 6757 III
Time Zone: H
1. Situation.
A. Enemy Forces. (See current Isums)
B. Friendly Forces. Popular Forces and Self Defense Corps setting night ambushes along coast line in front of FEBA.
2. Mission. No change.
3. Execution.
A. Company A (rein). Conduct squad size security patrol 24-1. TOD: 242000H’ POD 527113; Route: N 527117, SE 533110, WSW 528109; POR: 528109; TOR 242300H. Conduct squad size security patrol 24-2. TOD: 242100H; POL: 525106; Route: N 523117, S 520107, SE 525106; POR: 525106; TOR: 242400H.
B. Company B (rein). Conduct squad size combat patrol 24-1. TOD: 240500H; POD: 520096; Route: 515096, 514106; along coast line, 520111, 518114, SW out to peninsula and back to 516113; POR: 520096; TOR: 241300H. Conduct squad size combat patrol 24-2. TOD: 240600H; POD: 523092; Route: 523094, 516094, down coast line to 515088; POR: 523088; TOR: 241200H. Conduct squad size combat patrol 24-3. TOD: 240800H; POD: 528087; Route: 523085, SE 527081; POR: 528083; TOR: 241000H.
C. Company C (rein). No change.
D. Company D (rein). Conduct squad size security patrol 24-1. TOD: 240700; POD: 510056; Route: NE 505061, E 505070, generally N 506073, SW 509069; POR: 513060; TOR: 241200H. Conduct squad size security patrol 24-2. TOD: 242330H; POD: 523073; Route: SW 518059, N 518061, NE to POR: 524074; TOR: 250400H. Conduct squad security patrol 24-3-1. TOD: 240200H; POD: 525074; Route: S 524065, N 523065, N 523066, W 516065, NE to POR: 523072; TOR: 240600H. Conduct squad size security patrol 24-3-2. TOD: 241200H; POD: 526071; Route: W 522070, NW 519073, N 519074, NE 517076, N 518082, SW 51308x, S 5130xe, SE 519063, NE to POD: 523068; POR: 241800H.
E. H&S Company. No change.
F. Attached Units.
1. 1st Plt, Co B, 3d Recon Bn. Provide one team to establish ambush in conjunction with Popular Forces. Coordinate with S-3/S-2. Be prepared to conduct recon patrols and establish OP’s as directed.
2. 1st Plat, Co B, 3d AT Bn. No change.
3. 1st Plat, Co C, 3d Tnk Bn. No change.
G. Coordinating Instructions.
1. Check into S-3 by land line every hour on the hour commencing 2000H nightly. If land line is cut, immediately activate radio on Battalion Tactical Net.
2. Radio check on Battalion Tactical Net at 2000H nightly.
3. Report departure and return of all patrols. Sit reports once each hour. Contacts/incidents as they occur.
4. Report departure, establishment, securing and return of all ambushes. Report contacts/incidents as they occur.
5. Continue improvement of defensive positions. Report by 1000H daily detailed percentage complete.
6. Submit concise, correct, complete and timely reports of all activities involving Vietnamese.
4. Administration and Logistics. No change.
5. Command and Communications/Electronics. No change.
Lt/Col, U. S. Marine Corps