1st Bn (rein), 4th Marines
Chu Lai, Viet Nam
240830H June 1965
Frag Order #51 (250001H to 252400H)
Ref: (a) Map: Viet Nam 1:50,000 AMS L701 Sheet 6757 III
Time Zone: H
1. Situation.
A. Enemy Forces. (See current Isums)
B. Friendly Forces. Popular Forces and Self Defense Corps setting night ambushes along coast line in front of FEBA.
2. Mission. No change.
3. Execution.
A. Company A (rein). Conduct platoon (rein) extended combat patrol on Ky Xuan Island. One squad of Popular Forces attached. Move by amphibian tractor from present position, counterclockwise around peninsula and land vicinity GC 497102. TOD: 2260630H. Conduct combat patrol in accordance with the operation overlay. AmTracs pull back to vicinity GC 502105. Establish defensive position 251900H vicinity GC 485117. AmTracs move to defensive position same area remain in water and block seaward approaches. Insure minimum of one Popular Force per tractor. Preclude infiltration by waterborne means. Commencing 260700H platoon (rein) continue combat patrol in accordance with the operations overlay. Back load AmTracs vicinity GC 478103 at 261300H and return to defensive positions. Two (2) tractors available for use. Insure positive communications on battalion tactical net. Resupply, if required, by LVT or helos.
B. Company B (rein). Conduct squad combat patrol and establish ambush 25-3. TOD: 252030H; POD: 531081; Route: 524082, 518076, establish ambush 514085. Secure ambush on order. Continue combat patrol 514080, 522087, 525084. POR: 531084; TOR: 260100H. Conduct squad combat patrol and establish blocking ambush 25-1. TOD: 252000H; POD: 525089; Route: 515087, establish ambush 513086 at 252100H. Break 252400H. Continue combat patrol 518090. POR: 523092; TOR: 260100H; Conduct squad size combat patrol 25-2. TOD: 251900H; POD: 522098; Route:519114, 514105, 515092, 519091, POR: 521096; TOR: 252300H.
C. Company C (rein). Maintain reinforced combat outpost vicinity GC 468086. Platoon roadblock keep accurate count of vehicles/persons passing through checkpoint. Provide defense of Northern and of air field. Continue improvement of fighting positions.
D. Company D (rein). Conduct squad security patrol 25-1. TOD: 250630H; POD: 516062; Route: NW 512068, NE 519076, S 519064, SE 521061. POR: 517059; TOR: 251200H. Conduct squad security patrol 25-2. TOD: 251300H; POD: 528071; Route: N 528082, NW 521087, SW 515071. POR: 525071; TOR: 251800H. Conduct squad size security patrol 25-1-1. TOD: 252100H; POD: 518058; Route: S 517047, NE 525053, NW 521062. POR: 519058; TOR: 260130H.
E. H&S Company. No change. Provide scouts to man OP--- Company A defensive sector.
F. Attached Units.
1. 1st Plat, Co B, 3d Recon Bn. Move by LCR to island located vicinity GC 525146. At xxxx 25 June 65. Conduct recon of island for signs of habitation or recent activity. Recommend use as siring range or impact area. Return upon completion of assigned mission. Provide own logistics support. Insure positive communications on Battalion Tactical Net.
2. 1st Plat, Co B, 3d AT Bn. No change.
3. 1st Plat, Co C, 3d TK Bn. No change.
4. Det, Co A, 1st AmTrac Bn. Provide two (2) tractors for beach landing of reinforced platoon, Company A at GC 497102. TOD: 250630H. Upon completion of landing pull back to vicinity GC 502105. Upon establishment of defensive position by Company A (-) vicinity GC 488177 at 251900H establish position in the water to rear of defensive position. Prevent infiltration from seaward approaches and maintain surveillance of surface craft in channel. Rules of beach and waterway apply. Insure minimum of one (1) Popular Force in each vehicle. At xxxx 26 June 1965 conduct recon of beaches from GC 489119 to GC 478101 and GC 455102 to GC 455125 for possible surface craft beach landing sites. Back load platoon reinforced vicinity GC 478103 at 261300H and return.
G. Coordinating Instructions.
1. Report patrol positions hourly.
2. Progress of work completed reports due y 1000H daily.
3. Summary of night activities report due at 0645H daily.
4. Patrol overlays (2 Copies) for following days patrol due at 0730H daily. Include size, unit, TOD and TOR of each patrol on the overlay.
5. Land line check every hour on the hour between 2000H and 0600H.
6. Guard Company radio net twenty-four (24) hours a day.
7. Radio check on Battalion Tactical Net at 2000H and 2400H nightly. No requirement to continuously guard Battalion Tactical Net unless land line is out.
8. Continue to improve defensive positions.
9. Acknowledge receipt of Frag Order, as required.
4. Administrative and Logistics. No change.
5. Command and Communications/Electronics. No change.
Lt/Col, U.S. Marine Corps