Battle For Con Thien

Mr. Moore, you ask me if I would be willing to talk about Con Thien. I will tell you what I can. And hope that I remember as it happened.

Michael Finley was on LP (listening post) and was one of the first from 1st Plt to die as I remember. Both his service weapon and a 357 magnum he had were empty when we found him in the morning. I can’t remember the body count around his position but he didn’t go down easy.

What I remember about Mike the most, was that he was one of the few of that time that had been drafted into the Corps. But he was a Marine and in combat acted like one.

Also one of the things I recall is the use of flamethrowers. Either 1st or 2nd Squad of 1st Plt was part of the reactionary force that was sent in the amtracs. And when the hatch was dropped the flames were used on them, I’m not sure but I think they got the full squad while they were still inside the vehicle.

The only people that I have told about this battle are my family. My 14 year old son, has shown a genuine feeling of sadness over the loss of the friends that I lost in Nam. He always ask why I look up stuff like your site, and I tell him that this way we know that no one will ever forget those that we lost.


Jim Thompson
Alpha/1/4 66/67