Drive to the North








While the 28th Marines was engaged in the epic assault on Mount Suribachi during the first four days of the invasion, a bloody slugging match involving the main body of General Schmidt’s VAC was developing to the north.   The Battalions in line for the offensive were, from west to east, 1/26, 3/27, 3/23, 2/24, 1/25, 2/25, and 3/25.    Two companies of 1/24 were attached to the latter Battalion.    The seven Battalions were deployed along a 4,000-yard front extending from the western shore just north of Mount Suribachi northeastward across the southern end of Airfield No.1.    From there, the line followed the eastern fringes of the field and then pivoted sharply to the east, meeting the coast at the East Boat Basin.


It had already become evident on D-Day that, despite extensive Naval gunfire and Air support, numerous enemy positions had survived the preliminary bombardment completely unscathed.    At this juncture, the depth of the enemy defense system on the Island was still a matter of conjecture.    The dramatic drive of the 28th Marines towards Mount Suribachi had initially captured the limelight; but it was in the central and northern part of Iwo that General Kuribayashi had concentrated the bulk of his forces.    The wily enemy commander had left nothing undone to make his defenses in the northern and central sectors impregnable.    In this, he was aided by the topography of the Island, for the entire area comprised a weird looking array of cliffs, ravines, gorges, crevices, and ledges.    Jumbled rock, torn stubble of small trees, jagged ridges, and chasms sprawled about in a crazy pattern.    Within this maze, the enemy sat deeply entrenched in hundreds of carefully constructed positions, ranging from blockhouses to bunkers, pillboxes, caves, and camouflaged tanks.    All fields of fire were well integrated.


One of the reasons for the failure of American Naval gunfire and Aircraft to neutralize or destroy an appreciable number of enemy positions prior to the landings was the masterful use of camouflage by the enemy.    So skillfully had the Japanese hidden their positions that American ships and aircraft failed to detect them.    Even those that were spotted and became targets of American Naval gunfire and bombs frequently escaped major destruction because of their structural strength.


In the northern part of Iwo Jima, just as in the south, the first night ashore proved to be a restless one.    Damage and casualties to the 1/23 Command Post on Yellow 1, as well as the explosion of the 25th Marines ammunition dump during the early morning hours, have already been recounted.    Elsewhere, it was a similar story.    At 0230, about 500 Japanese formed in front of the 27th Marines but were dispersed by artillery fire from the 13th Marines.    Shortly after 0700, the enemy scored a mortar hit squarely on the Command Post of 2/25 above Blue Beach 1.    The Battalion Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Lewis C. Hudson, Jr., the Executive Officer, Major William P. Kaempfer, and the Operations Officer, Major Donald K. Ellis, were badly wounded.    The Commander of Company B, 4th Tank Battalion, who had stopped by to obtain further details about the impending attack, scheduled to be launched within the hour, was killed.    The executive officer of 3/25, Lieutenant Colonel James Taul, took over the Command of the 2d Battalion.


The initial objective of the assault on D plus 1 was to seize the O–1 Line extending eastward from Iwo’s west coast to the southern tip of Airfield No. 2, whence it curved southward in the form of a horseshoe and continued generally east to the coast northeast of the East Boat Basin.    In order to reach the O–1 Line, VAC units would have to complete the northward pivot from west to east, which had already begun on D–Day.    Units along the left flank of VAC and those in the center were to sweep across Airfield No. 2 and straighten the sagging portions of the line until they had advanced generally abreast of the 25th Marines, with 1/24 attached, which occupied the hinge position on the right.


For many of the Marines preparing to jump off on the morning of D-plus 1, daylight brought with it a most depressing sight.    At least one observer was to record:



     . . . it was not until the next morning, when Marines along the airfield could look back on the beach, that the full extent of our losses was apparent.  The wreckage was indescribable.  For two miles the debris was so thick that there were only a few places where landing craft could still get in.  The wrecked hulks of scores of landing boats testified to one price we had paid to put our troops ashore. Tanks and halftracks lay crippled where they had bogged down in the coarse sand.  Amphibian tractors, victims of mines and well aimed shells, lay flopped on their backs.    Cranes, brought ashore to unload cargo, tilted at insane angles, and bulldozers were smashed in their own roadways.

     Packs, gas masks, rifles, and clothing, ripped and shattered by shell fragments, lay scattered across the beach.  Toilet articles and even letters were strewn among the debris, as though war insisted on prying into the personal affairs of those it claimed.

     And scattered amid the wreckage was death.  An officer in charge of an LCT had been hit while trying to free his boat from the sand and was blown in half; a life preserver supported the trunk of his body in the water.  Marines, killed on the beach, were partially buried under the sand as the tide came in.  Perhaps a hand stretched rigidly out of the sand, and that was all.



In the face of all this death and destruction, the battle continued and, following an intensive Artillery, Naval gunfire, and Air preparation, the VAC attack to the north jumped off as scheduled at 0830.    Along the 1,000-yard front in the 5th Division zone of attack, Colonel Wornham committed 1/26 and 3/27 abreast, keeping 1/27 and 2/27 in reserve.    General Rockey had designated the 26th Marines, less 1/26 which had been attached to RCT 27, as Division reserve, standing by in positions near the southwestern tip of Airfield No. 1.


The advance of 1/26, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Daniel C. Pollock, and 3/27, under Lieutenant Colonel Dorm J. Robertson, soon was seriously slowed down by numerous enemy pillboxes and land mines; even more deadly was the well-aimed enemy mortar and artillery fire and particularly a heavy concentration of air bursts from Japanese antiaircraft guns fired from their minimum angle of elevation.    West of the airfield, Colonel Wornham’s men had to move through relatively open terrain that offered neither cover nor concealment from an enemy who enjoyed both excellent observation and fields of fire.    Supported by Companies A and B of the 5th Tank Battalion, the 5th Division Marines moved forward steadily, taking heavy losses as they advanced.    At 1800, when Colonel Wornham ordered the two Battalions to halt and consolidate, the advance had gained 800 yards.    However, 1/26 on the left had to pull back about 200 yards to more favorable ground for night defense.    As D plus 1 came to a close, the two 5th Division Battalions dug in along an east-west line extending from the northwestern edge of Airfield No. 1 to the west coast.    For the night, 2/27 backed up 1/26 while 1/27 dug in behind 3/27 to provide a defense in depth.


For the attack on D plus 1, the 4th Marine Division committed two Regiments abreast.    On the left of the Division zone of attack, the 23d Marines, with 2/24 attached, jumped off at 0830 and almost immediately encountered intense enemy machine gun, mortar, and artillery fire.    In attempting to pinpoint the source of this fire and silence it, Colonel Wensinger’s men temporarily lost contact with Lanigan’s 25th Marines.    Even though the terrain in this area was unfavorable for the employment of armor, a reinforced platoon from Company C, 4th Tank Battalion was able to support the advance of the 23d Marines.    By noon, an aggressive attack had carried past the northern fringes of Airfield No. 1.    This thrust breached an important portion of the Japanese defensive system and at the same time reduced a number of well-concealed pillboxes and Infantry strong points.    The attacking Marines also had suffered severe casualties.    Movement, both on the airfield flats and on the slopes from the beaches, was almost entirely under enemy observation, and the Japanese made the most of their favorable situation.


During the afternoon, the 23d Marines continued the advance.    However, minefield and increasingly rough terrain all but precluded effective armored support.    The enemy directed deadly rocket, artillery, and mortar fire against the advancing Marines, and after the morning’s gains little more ground was taken for the remainder of the day.    Altogether, in crossing the airfield, Colonel Wensinger’s men had advanced roughly 500 yards.    At 1630, the reserve of the 23d Marines, consisting of 1/23 and 2/23, moved forward to positions along the seaward edge of the airfield to form a strong, secondary line of defense.    The 23d Marines linked up with the 27th Marines on the left and the 25th Marines on the right before nightfall.


The attack of Colonel Lanigan’s 25th Marines on D plus 1 was to be carried out by three Battalions abreast.    On the left, 1/25 under Lieutenant Colonel HolIis U. Mustain, was to make the main effort; the 2d Battalion in the center, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel James Taul, was to seize the high ground directly to its front and, after taking it, give fire support to 1/25.    On the extreme right flank, the attached 1/24 under Major Paul S. Treitel, was to remain in place until 1/25 and 2/25 could come abreast.    Because of heavy casualties sustained on D-Day, 3/25 was pulled out of the lines and held in Regimental reserve.


The 25th Marines jumped off on schedule.    Tanks of Company B, 4th Tank Battalion, supported the attack, but the exceptionally rough terrain made this support practically worthless.    In addition, each time that a tank reached a firing position, it immediately attracted accurate enemy mortar and artillery fire.    Crossfire from enemy machine guns mounted in concealed emplacements, combined with a heavy volume of well-aimed rifle fire, seriously interfered with the advance of Colonel Lanigan’s Regiment and inflicted heavy casualties.


In discussing the advance on D plus 1, a survivor of the Iwo battle later was to remark:



     There was no cover from enemy fire.  Japs deep in reinforced concrete pillboxes laid down interlocking bands of fire that cut whole companies to ribbons.  Camouflage hid all the enemy installations.  The high ground on every side was honeycombed with layer after layer of Jap emplacements, blockhouses, dugouts, and observation posts.  Their observation was perfect; whenever the Marines made a move, the Japs watched every step, and when the moment came, their mortars, rockets, machine guns, and artillery, long ago zeroed-in—would smother the area in a murderous blanket of fire.  The counter-battery fire and preparatory barrages of Marine Artillery and Naval gunfire were often ineffective, for the Japs would merely retire to a lower level or inner cave and wait until the storm had passed.  Then they would emerge and blast the advancing Marines.



The deadly effectiveness of the enemy fire was not limited to the front lines.    At 1100, Japanese artillery scored a direct hit on the Aid Station of 1/25, killing six Navy Corpsmen and wounding an additional seven.    It was apparent that General Kuribayashi had so sited his artillery that all the beaches and routes into the interior of the Island were covered.    Japanese gunners could search out various supply dumps, evacuation stations, and Command Posts at will.    Normally, LVTs had the task of bringing supplies to the front lines.    In the zone of attack of the 25th Marines however, even these versatile vehicles were unable to get through and work details from units in reserve had to manhandle critically needed materiel.


Colonel Lanigan’s Marines continued to press the attack throughout the afternoon of D plus 1, but progress was woefully slow.    At 1600, the exhausted men were cheered by the arrival of friendly aircraft which, it was hoped, might lend some impetus to the advance.    This joy however, soon, turned into terror when .50 caliber machine gun bullets, rockets, and bombs from a friendly air strike hit men of Company B, 1/24, standing upright on the southern slope of the quarry about 400 yards inland from the eastern shore.    This strike, neither called for nor controlled by 1/24, was delivered without a preliminary run and placed on the front lines despite the fact that yellow frontline marking panels had been displayed prior to and during the attack.    In consequence of this error, 1/24 suffered five killed and six wounded.    As if attempting to advance under heavy enemy fire and being strafed, bombed, and rocketed, by friendly aircraft were not enough, the hapless company also was shelled by Naval gunfire and found friendly Artillery registering on its positions.    This misguided Naval gunfire, consisting of two complete salvos fired by an unidentified Cruiser, landed in the front line of 1/24 and resulted in approximately 90 casualties.


By 1800, 1/25 and 2/25 had made gains of 200-300 yards.    The left flank of 1/25, on the other hand, had been unable to move at all throughout the day because of extremely heavy fire received from the left front in the zone of action of the 23d Marines.    At 1800, orders were issued to all units to consolidate, dig in, and establish firm contact with each other.


As night descended over bitterly contested Iwo Jima on 20 February, the capture of Airfield No. 1 had been completed and the 4th Division front had advanced between 200 and 500 yards.    For these gains, the Japanese had exacted a heavy price.    As the second day ended, the 5th Marine Division had lost 1,500 men killed and wounded and the 4th Division about 2,000.    The first prisoners, a total of three, had been taken during the day, but two of them died.    A total of 630 enemy dead had been counted, but it was assumed that many others had been killed.


Early on D plus 1, General Schmidt had ordered the Corps reserve, the 21st Marines, commanded by Colonel Hartnoll J. Withers, to boat and prepare to land on order.    The Regiment began debarking before noon, in rain and rough water.    Dozens of men missed the drop into the bobbing boats and after they had been fished out, the boats went to the rendezvous area.    There the LCVPs circled for six hours, the Marines cold, wet, and miserable.    The congestion at the beaches which was steadily increasing, combined with a rising surf that made landing conditions hazardous, precluded their landing.    In the end, General Schmidt ordered the Regiment back to its transports to be landed later when conditions had improved.


At the same time, on D plus 1, there was a desperate need for artillery, whose landing could not be postponed.    As a result, the 4th Marine Division landed the 3d and 4th Battalions of the 14th Marines during the day.    Shortly after 1000, 3/14 had launched all of its DUKWs, but the landing was delayed by enemy fire.    Finally, in mid-afternoon, the amphibian trucks carrying 3/14 began to land over the southernmost portion of Yellow 1.    The Battalion’s 105mm Howitzers moved into positions prepared by the 3/14 reconnaissance party just inland from the boundary separating Yellow 1 and Red 2.    Around 1730, the Howitzers opened fire and reinforced the fires of the 1st Battalion of the Division artillery.


The landing of the 105s of 4/14 turned into a disaster.    The first DUKW to emerge from LST 1032 remained afloat only for a moment.    Then waves surged over the side, the engine stopped, and the DUKW sank, taking the 105 down with it.    Seven more DUKWs waddled out of the LST and sank in succession.    As a result, a total of eight 105s were lost, as well as a dozen officers and men.    It was subsequently determined that motor failure of the DUKWs was caused by water in the gasoline, and by insufficient freeboard resulting from extremely heavy loads and choppy water.    Thus, 4/14 had lost 8 out of 12 howitzers before firing a round on Iwo Jima.


The disaster for Lieutenant Colonel Youngdale’s Battalion did not end here.    The remaining four DUKWs headed for the beach late in the evening and two of them broached at the surf line while attempting to go ashore at 2230.    Out of a dozen DUKWs and Howitzers, only two finally made it to shore.    The guns, having gone into position, began firing northward into the inky darkness.


In order to offset the critical artillery shortage, some of the big 155mm Howitzers also were ordered to land.    In late afternoon, LST 779 forced its way through the wreckage littering Red Beach 1 and discharged Battery C of the 2d 155mm Howitzer Battalion.    Despite extremely difficult beach conditions, the four Howitzers were hauled up the steep bluffs by tractors and were in position by 1840 in the 5th Marine Division sector near the west coast.    The two remaining Batteries of Major Earl J. Rowse’s Battalion were not landed for another two and four days respectively.    Even those artillery Battalions that did make it ashore encountered unusual problems from the very outset.    Before the 28th Marines put the Japanese artillery on Mount Suribachi out of action, artillerymen firing to the north received enemy fire from the south that proved more troublesome than enemy rounds from the front.





At the cost of heavy casualties, the Marines at the end of D plus 1 controlled nearly one-third of Iwo Jima and occupied a two mile-wide beachhead extending along the landing area and 2,000 yards up the southwest coast.    Motoyama Airfield No. 1 was completely in American hands.    Marine lines stretched in an east-west direction from the west coast opposite the end of the airstrip, past the end of the airfield, with a slight curve to the quarry.    Just beyond that point the line curved at right angles to face east with the right flank resting on the shore along the ridge facing the East Boat Basin.    The O-1 Line had not yet been reached at any point, but positions were well knit and more artillery and serviceable tanks were available for support.    Even though enemy resistance on 20 February was even heavier than that encountered on D-Day, both Marine Divisions were holding the ground they had seized.


Beach conditions remained extremely difficult throughout the day, both because of a high surf and the continuous enemy artillery fire.    The Shore Party Battalions were raked by artillery, mortar, and small arms fire as they desperately attempted to clear the beaches and unload incoming landing craft.    They stacked supplies well above the high-water mark, but gear piled up there faster than it could be moved inland.    In order to cope with this crisis, the entire logistical plan of establishing shore-party dumps had to be abandoned.    Without pausing on the beaches, incoming amtracs—the only vehicles that could climb the terraces and reach firm ground unassisted—waddled up the slopes into the front lines, where they delivered ammunition, rations, and water directly to the combat units.    The tractors freed weapons and vehicles that had bogged down and hauled supply-laden DUKWs over the terraces, thus enabling the latter vehicles to move supplies right up to the front lines.    In addition to the vehicles shuttling back and forth between the beaches and the lines,    Marine working parties hand carried ammunition forward in order to alleviate critical shortages.


In view of the overall situation, it became apparent to Generals Smith and Schmidt at the close of D plus 1, that the strength of enemy resistance dictated the necessity of employing the 3d Marine Division, still afloat, before long.    The requirement of furnishing food and ammunition to an additional 20,000 Marines would impose an added strain on available beach facilities, but the dwindling combat strength of the two Marine Divisions already on the island left no other choice.    As a result, the 21st Marines of the 3d Marine Division were again ordered to land on D plus 2, to be placed at the disposal of General Cates.


The night of 20-21 February was punctuated by loud explosions as the Japanese exchanged artillery fire with the Americans.    At the same time, U.S. Navy gunfire support ships and LCIs mounting 4.2-inch mortars delivered counter battery and harassing fires.    Early in the evening, around 2000, a group of Japanese was observed massing opposite the 27th Marines.    Immediate fire by the 13th Marines and attached Corps Artillery killed a number of the enemy and dispersed the rest.    Shortly before 0500, about 100 Japanese attempted to pierce the lines of the 4th Marine Division in the 1/25 sector, but were driven off with heavy losses.


As 21 February dawned, 12 Destroyers, 2 Cruisers, 68 aircraft, and 33 Howitzers took turns at battering the enemy-held portion of Iwo before VAC resumed the attack on D plus 2.    At 0810, both the 4th and 5th Marine Divisions jumped off.    On the left flank of VAC, the 27th Marines met immediate and violent resistance from the enemy’s main defensive positions, which consisted of a belt of caves and concrete-and-steel emplacements.    This defense system had a depth of a mile and a half and extended from the west coast to the east coast of Iwo.    It featured innumerable pillboxes and around 1,500 caves.


The terrain in the 27th Marines’ zone of advance was suitable for the employment of armor; elements of the 5th Tank Battalion moved forward just ahead of the Infantry.    By 1340, 1/26 on the left and 3/27 on the right had advanced nearly 1,000 yards and had reached a point just south of the O-1 Line.    Because of the relative speed of the advance and heavy enemy shelling, a sizable gap had developed by this time between the 4th and 5th Marine Divisions.    Company B, 1/27 was committed from Regimental reserve to fill this gap between 3/27 and the 23d Marines.    Under continuous enemy fire, the 5th Marine Division spent the remainder of the afternoon reorganizing, evacuating casualties, and consolidating its lines.    In the course of the afternoon, General Rockey and his staff came ashore and established their Headquarters near the southern end of Airfield No. 1.


At the same time that the 5th Marine Division jumped off on D plus 2, the 23d and 25th Marines continued their attack.    The 23d, with 2/23 on the left and 2/24 on the right slowly pushed forward with 1/23 and 2/23 following at a 600-yard interval.    Almost immediately, the advancing Marines encountered severe mortar, machine gun, and artillery fire, as well as a number of minefields.    The advance through the minefield and against numerous pillboxes was very time-consuming and costly.    Engineer units went forward to remove the mines.    The only significant advance made was on the left flank in the 23d Marines zone of advance, where slightly defiladed areas permitted local and restricted envelopment.    But even the progress of the 23d Marines averaged only slightly more than 100 yards during the entire day.    After reestablishing contact with the 27th Marines on its left, the 23d dug in for the night shortly before 1800.


On the extreme right, the 25th Marines attacked with 1/25, 2/25, and 1/24 in line, and 3/25 in reserve.    Even though the enemy had laid minefields in front of the 25th Marines, the terrain here was so rocky and irregular that the enemy had not been able to mine all avenues of approach.    Tanks of Company A, 4th Tank Battalion, supported the advance of 1/25 and 2/25, while tanks of Company B fired on pillboxes and dugouts on the cliff facing 1/24, driving the enemy from the heights of the quarry and cliff areas.    Howitzers of 1/14 placed counter battery and supporting fire across the Regimental front.    Resistance in the center of the Regimental zone gradually weakened and fair progress was made on the right along the shore of the East Boat Basin.    Altogether, the 25th Marines gained from 50-300 yards in the course of the morning.    Casualties were heavy throughout; at 1000, while checking his frontline positions, Lieutenant Colonel Hollis U. Mustain, commanding 1/25, was killed by enemy shellfire.    The Battalion Executive Officer, Major Fenton J. Mee, assumed command.


The irregular advance of units over difficult terrain caused a serious gap to develop between the 1st and 2d Battalions, 25th Marines; in mid-afternoon Colonel Lanigan committed his 3d Battalion between the two.    Since all units were under heavy enemy fire, 3/25 encountered major difficulty in moving into the line.    By 1700, the move had been accomplished and the Regiment consolidated for the night.    Similarly, in order to fill a sizable gap between the right flank of the 5th Marine Division and the left flank of the 4th, 1/27 was moved into position along the 5th Division’s right flank.    Lines of General Rockey’s Division had to be extended about 400 yards into the 4th Division zone of attack.


Throughout the day, the two-Divisional advance towards Airfield No. 2 received effective Air and Naval gunfire support.    More than 800 aircraft flew direct support missions with a total of 32 strikes carried out by 14-20 planes each.    Eleven Destroyers stood by offshore to provide direct support and illuminating fires for VAC; 1 Destroyer, 2 LCI Mortar Support Units, and 2 Cruisers fired deep support missions.    Naval gunfire and Artillery Air Spotters continued to use Carrier-based aircraft, since Airfield No. 1 was still unable to accommodate VMO units.


A pressing need for reinforcements made it necessary to land more troops on Iwo as soon as possible.    Improved beach and landing conditions on the morning of D plus 2 finally permitted the 21st Marines of the 3d Marine Division to come ashore.    The Regiment, commanded by Colonel Hartnoll J. Withers, was ordered to land at 1130 over the Yellow Beaches; it was to be attached to the 4th Marine Division to assist in the capture of Airfield No. 2.    Colonel Withers landed his Battalions throughout the afternoon of 21 February.    Despite a heavy surf, the Regiment did not incur any casualties and by 1800 all three Battalions and the Regimental Command Post were ashore.    After being attached to the 4th Marine Division, RCT 21 assembled near the edge of Airfield No. 1.


Shortly after noon, the assistant commander of the 4th Marine Division, Brigadier General Hart, also went ashore in order to report on beach conditions and select an appropriate site for the Division Command Post.    Finding the beaches under heavy fire and littered with the debris of the invasion, General Hart recommended that Division Headquarters remain afloat at least until 22 February.    The Assistant Division Commander also recommended, after consultation with the Regimental commanders, that the 21st Marines, instead of relieving the 25th Marines as previously planned, would relieve the 23d Marines on D plus 3.    His recommendation was approved.


As 21 February drew to a close, VAC held a very irregular line which passed between the two airfields.    When units consolidated their positions for the night, a total of eight Battalions were facing the enemy across the Island.    The slow Marine advance during D plus 2 had forced the Japanese back yard by yard.    Once again, for the gains made in the course of the day, VAC Marines had paid with heavy casualties.    During the first 58 hours ashore, the landing force had sustained more than 4,500 casualties, and combat efficiency of the 4th Marine Division had been reduced to 68 percent.


The night from 21-22 February proved to be a bad one for men of the landing force, who felt extremely uncomfortable in the cold drizzle.    Within the overall scope of General Kuribayashi’s prohibition of any major banzai charges, the Japanese did all within their power to make their unwanted guests as miserable as possible.


At dusk, enemy aircraft attacked American shipping offshore and scored hits on the outer ring of the warships surrounding Iwo Jima.    Taking advantage of the commotion resulting from the sudden air attack, the enemy executed local counterattacks and infiltration against both the 4th and 5th Divisions.    Along the left front of VAC, an enemy counterattack in undetermined strength hit the 27th Marines at 2100.    No penetration resulted from this attack, which was stopped within the hour.    At 0245, the exhausted men of Colonel Wornham’s Regiment repulsed an attempted infiltration.    An hour later, the enemy tried his luck once again, and at 0400, RCT 27 reported 800 enemy massing in front of its lines.    As the long night finally ended, the Regiment’s lines were still intact, though an undetermined number of the enemy had managed to infiltrate.


It also proved to be a restless night for Marines of the 4th Division.    Shortly before midnight, an enemy force of about 200 men massed on Airfield No. 2 and headed for the lines of 3/23.    Before this attack could get organized, the enemy was hit by Naval gunfire and Artillery and was forced to withdraw.    During the long night, the 25th Marines reported that an enemy aircraft had bombed Blue Beach behind its lines.    Almost as steady as the rain was the volume of enemy mortar and artillery fire that covered the Marine front lines, beaches, and rear areas throughout the night.


D plus 3 was, if anything, even worse than the three days that had preceded it.    A cold, heavy rain pelted the Island, coating Marines and their weapons with a sort of grayish paste on top of the layer of volcanic ash they had already acquired.    The front lines of VAC, on the morning of 22 February, bent back in the form of a horseshoe in the center of the 3,400-yard line, where elements of the 23d Marines still were 1,200 yards short of the O-1 Line.    Fatigue and heavy casualties both had left their imprint on the men in the lines, and the three days and nights of incessant, nerve-shattering action were beginning to have an adverse effect on combat efficiency.    Without rest or sleep, subsisting solely on a diet of K rations and water, occasionally supplemented by unheated C rations, the men were beginning to show a marked drop in morale.


In order to provide added impetus for the attack on this fourth day of the operation, both Generals Rockey and Cates decided to relieve some of the frontline units, notably the 23d and 27th Marines.    Along the left flank of VAC, the 26th Marines under Colonel Chester B. Graham moved out at daybreak with the mission of relieving the 27th Marines and continuing the attack to the north.    Once RCT 26 had passed the lines, 1/26, which previously had been attached to RCT 27, was to revert to its parent Regiment.    The 27th Marines reserve, 2/27, would become attached to the 26th Marines.


At 0500 the 21st Marines prepared to relieve RCT 23 with the attached 2/24.    Upon being relieved, the 23d Marines, less two mortar platoons, was to be held in VAC reserve near the northeastern edge of Airfield No. 1.    The mortar platoons were to remain in position to support the attack of RCT 21.    The 25th Marines, with 1/24 attached, was to remain on the 4th Division right, while the 24th Marines, less 1/24, would continue in Division reserve.


The relief of the 27th Marines took place in a heavy downpour of rain, which turned the ground into gumbo.    Mortar fire, coming from the higher ground ahead and in the center of the Island, fell as steadily as the rain, and both combined to create confusion and disruption.    The 26th Marines, with 2/27 attached, passed through the lines of the 27th Marines with the mission of attacking to the northeast, following the western contour of the Island.    At the same time to the right, the 21st Marines moved in on the left of the 4th Marine Division.


The zone of attack of the 5th Division extended from the western beaches to a formidable terrain obstacle which ran from northeast to southwest down the west center of the Island, curving west across the Division’s front near Airfield No. 2.    This obstacle was a bluff almost 100 feet high, whose slopes dropped almost vertically towards the American lines.    The high ground above the bluff provided the enemy with perfect observation into the Division area and enabled him to effectively block any advance from both the front and the right flank.


At 0835, following preparatory Naval gunfire and air strikes, both Divisions jumped off.   In the zone of attack of the 5th Marine Division the 26th Marines attacked with three Battalions in the line.    Almost immediately, the advancing Marines drew heavy fire from the front and right flank.    Enemy shells and bullets were no respecters of rank; around 0940, Lieutenant Colonel Tom M. Trotti, commanding 3/26, and his operations officer, Major William R. Day, were killed by a mortar shell.    Captain Richard M. Cook, commanding Company G, took over until noon, at which time Major Richard Fagan, the Division Inspector, assumed command.    Despite heavy losses, the 26th advanced for about 400 yards.    In the course of the day, the weather turned from bad to worse.    Rain was falling in torrents and visibility became extremely poor.    Because of the heavy rain, no air support could be made available.    The poor weather even handicapped the tanks, whose drivers could see but a few yards ahead.


During the afternoon it became apparent that the attack by 3d Division Marines against the bluff itself had stalled, leaving the 26th Marines exposed to heavy fire from the front, the right flank, and the right rear.    In addition, the Japanese were beginning to launch several thrusts against the Regiment’s left flank and center.    As if to mock Colonel Graham’s drenched and dispirited Marines, Japanese artillery and mortars on the bluff directed heavy fire into the 26th Marines’ lines.    At 1400, the exhausted and severely mauled Marines were forced to relinquish the 400-yard gain they had made earlier in the day and pulled back to the line of departure.    Japanese mortar and artillery fire harassed the men for the remainder of the afternoon during the withdrawal and continued after the Marines had occupied defensive positions for the night.


In the sector occupied by the 4th Marine Division, things had gone little better during D plus 3.    At 0500, the 21st Marines began the relief of the 23d.    The newly arrived 3d Division Marines faced very rough going from the outset.    In the heavy downpour and continuous enemy fire, the relief of the 23d Marines required nearly six hours.    Even before the relief was completed, Colonel Withers committed his 1st and 2d Battalions, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Marlowe C. Williams and Lieutenant Colonel Lowell E. English, respectively, against an intricate network of mutually supporting pillboxes on the high ground between the two airfields.    The 3d Battalion, under Lieutenant Colonel Wendell H. Duplantis, remained in reserve.


As the 21st Marines advanced northward, with 1/21 on the right and 2/21 on the left, it had to push its attack uphill against mutually supporting pillboxes and bunkers with mined approaches.    These pillboxes were well protected on the flanks and only direct hits by large caliber weapons appeared to have any effect on them.    In the taxiways between the airfields, bunkers blocked the advance, and the area adjoining the runways of Airfield No. 2 was dotted with pillboxes that were covered with sand and often protruded only a foot or so above the ground.    This was the beginning of the enemy main line of resistance.    The restricted nature of the area and the excellent defensive system precluded any maneuver but a frontal assault.


Bad weather and a well-entrenched enemy, who took full advantage of the terrain with prearranged fires, presented the 21st Marines with an exceedingly brutal introduction to Iwo Jima.    By afternoon of D plus 3, 2/21 had advanced 250 yards in places; 1/21 had gained about 50 yards.    Casualties had been out of all proportion to the gains made.    Lieutenant Colonel Williams was wounded by a mortar shell but refused evacuation until nightfall, at which time he turned command of 1/21 over to the Battalion Executive Officer, Major Clay M. Murray.    At about 1700, the attack halted for the day and all units began to prepare positions for the night.


To the right of the 21st Marines, the 25th, with three Battalions and the attached 1/24 in the line, was to have attacked on D plus 3 in order to straighten its Regimental front in conjunction with the advance of the 21st Marines.    Once the lines had been straightened out, both the 21st and 25th Marines were to launch a coordinated drive to the north to seize the O-1 Line.    Failure of the 21st Marines to make any sizable gains had an adverse effect on operations of the 25th Marines, which was unable to launch a full-scale attack.    Nevertheless, in the course of the morning, 1/25 advanced about 200 yards, only to find its left flank completely exposed.    As a result, the advance had to be halted until the Battalion could tie in firmly with the 21st Marines.    In the center of the 25th Marines line, the 3d and 2d Battalions found themselves marking time.    The only cheerful note for the day was sounded when 3/25 requested and received rocket support against a hill some 800 yards northwest of the quarry.    Two salvoes fired against enemy positions on this hill drove about 200 Japanese from their emplacements.    Caught out in the open by well-placed machine guns of 3/25, a large part of the enemy force was wiped out.


Around 1530, the Japanese struck back.    While leaving his forward observation post, Lieutenant Colonel Chambers was severely wounded by enemy machine gun fire, when a bullet struck his left collarbone.    Since Lieutenant Colonel James Taul, the Battalion Executive Officer, had assumed command of 2/25 on 20 February, when the commander of 2/25 had been wounded and evacuated, Captain James C. Headley assumed command of 3/25.


The 2d Battalion of the 25th Marines meanwhile, remained largely stationary during the day.    Even so, it took its share of casualties.    In midmorning, the Japanese laid a heavy and accurate mortar barrage on the Battalion lines; an attempted enemy counterattack was quickly smashed.    At 1830, Japanese were observed moving towards the Battalion lines.    Before an attack could get under way, Infantry heavy weapons fire and Artillery support from the 14th Marines dispersed the Japanese.


At the right end of the VAC lines, 1/24 spent most of the day in mopping up along the east coast above the landing beaches.    Major Treitel’s men blasted caves and pillboxes in an attempt to reduce the heavy enemy mortar and sniper fire originating in the bluffs around the quarry.    In its operations during D plus 3, the Battalion fared better than the 25th Marines on its left and casualties were comparatively light.    At 1700, the Battalion consolidated its positions and established contact between units.


The ferocious battle raging between the airfields took its toll not only of men but also materiel.    Thus, at the end of D plus 3, the 4th Tank Battalion reported that 11 of its tanks had been destroyed and 8 were under repair, leaving 28 operational.    The 5th Tank Battalion reported 34 tanks operational, 4 under repair and 13 destroyed.


Even though the advance towards the north of Iwo had made little headway during 22 February the command organization and activities on the Iwo beaches became somewhat better coordinated.    Headquarters of the 9th Naval Construction Brigade, commanded by Captain Robert C. Johnson, CEC, USN, was set up ashore, and initial work was started on preparing Iwo to serve as a giant Aircraft Carrier.    In the course of the day, burials began in the Fourth Division cemetery halfway between Yellow 1 and Airfield No. 2.    Burials in the 5th Division cemetery, located just south of the airfield, had already commenced during the afternoon of D plus 1.     Provision was made for those Marines who died on board ship to be buried at sea, provided that this took place in water more than 100 fathoms deep.


Evacuation of the numerous casualties became a critical problem on D plus 3 because of poor beach conditions, LST 807 voluntarily remained on the beach under fire and acted as a hospital ship during the hours of darkness, while the remaining LSTs withdrew for the night.    As darkness descended over the battle area, a steady stream of casualties arrived on the 807, where doctors performed emergency operations in the Ward room.    Before morning, more than 200 casualties had been treated on the LST; of this number only 2 died.


At sundown on 22 February, Task Force 58 set sail for its second raid against Tokyo.    On board the Indianapolis, Admiral Spruance accompanied this strike force.    A Task Group of this Fast Carrier Force, TG 58.5, consisting of the Enterprise, two Cruisers, and Destroyer Squadron 54 remained at Iwo to provide Night Fighter protection.    The departure of TF 58 materially reduced the availability of aircraft for direct ground support; overall responsibility for providing this type of support for the Marines ashore now fell on the small Carriers of the Carrier Support Force under Admiral Durgin, in addition to its mission of conducting air searches for survivors, providing  anti-submarine and combat air patrols, and strikes against nearby Chichi Jima.    As a result, the close air support for Marines fighting on the ground would henceforth have to be curtailed due to the shortage of aircraft.


Marines shivering from wetness and cold in the front lines faced another restless night.    The Japanese began to probe the American lines shortly after dusk.    Following an extremely heavy mortar and artillery barrage around 1800, a strong enemy force attacked the northernmost lines of the 26th Marines and succeeded in driving back the outposts.    The enemy counterattack was brought to a halt after heavy casualties had been inflicted upon the attacking force.    During the early morning hours, enemy swimmers, who had infiltrated across the western beaches into the 5th Division area, had to be eliminated.    Similarly, in the zone of action of the 4th Marine Division, there was sporadic enemy activity throughout the night.    Around 0500, an estimated 100 Japanese attempted to infiltrate the lines of 2/25 and 3/25.    Even though these enemy efforts were thwarted, the intermittent firing served to keep the weary Marines from getting some much-needed sleep.    In addition to all this activity, Japanese artillery continued to hit friendly positions along the Corps front, inflicting further casualties and adding to the sense of uncertainty.


Despite the continuous harassment by enemy Infantry and supporting arms, VAC plans called for the continuation of the attack on 23 February.    The objective for D plus 4 was to be the O-2 Line.    Jumping off at 0730, the 4th Marine Division was directed to make the main effort on its left against Airfield No. 2.    Since the strongly defended bluffs on the far left of the 4th Division’s zone of advance dominated all of western Iwo, VAC authorized the 5th Marine Division to advance beyond the boundary separating the two Divisions if such an advance promised to neutralize or eliminate these prominent obstacles.


At 0730 on 23 February, the VAC attack continued in the direction of Airfield No. 2 and the O-2 Line.    The 26th Marines, with 2/27 attached, moved forward against very heavy fire from the front and the right flank.    After advancing for about 200 yards against bitter opposition, the Regiment found the ground untenable and withdrew to its jump off positions.    Shortly before noon, enemy artillery scored a direct hit on the Command Post of 2/26.    The Battalion Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph C. Sayers, was wounded and had to be evacuated.    Major Amedeo Rea, the Battalion Executive Officer, assumed command.    For the remainder of D plus 4, the 26th Marines attempted to advance, but it was driven back each time by heavy enemy fire.    At the end of the day, the Battalions dug in for the night in about the same positions they had occupied during the preceding night.


In the center of the VAC line, where the 4th Marine Division with the attached 21st Marines was to make the main effort against Airfield No. 2, events took a similar turn.    Because of the importance of this airfield General Kuribayashi had assigned the 145th Regiment commanded by Colonel Masuo Ikeda to defend this vital objective.   This Regiment was considered the best Japanese outfit on Iwo Jima; its 47mm antitank guns were sited to fire straight down the runways.    In fact, the Marines were now encountering the enemy main defense line, which began in the west at the rocky cliffs to the north of the western beaches, stretched east across the Island to skirt the southern end of Airfield No. 2, and terminated in the cliffs at the northern end of the eastern beaches.    This line was organized in depth with all types of heavy weapons within and behind it, capable of delivering fire upon both the Isthmus and beach areas.    It was also heavily organized with a series of mutually supporting pillboxes, bunkers, blockhouses, tunnels, and other dug in positions.    In addition, all approaches to the airfield were mined; enemy dead, Saki bottles, helmets, and ammunition dumps were found booby trapped.


It became the lot of the 21st Marines to advance into this cauldron of enemy fire.    Typical of the fighting which this Regiment was to see at the approaches to Airfield No. 2 on D plus 4 were the experiences of some of the members of this unit:



     Major Clay Murray taking over 1/21 for his first day, figured that if he could find the weakest point and destroy it he could then knock off the supporting positions one by one.  He lifted the telephone to give an order and a machine gun burst smashed the phone in his hand.  Two bullets tore through his left cheek and out his open mouth, taking five teeth with them, and the rest of the burst sheared the knuckles of his left hand and ripped open his left ear.    Major Robert H, Houser became 1/21’s third commander in two days.

     Private First Class George Smyth, 18, of Brooklyn, had never seen such Japanese.  They were six footers, and they never retreated.  Smyth’s buddy fell beside him, a pistol bullet through his head dead center.  It came from a captured Marine .45.  On the other side, a Japanese came down with his sword, both hands grasping the hilt.  The Marine put up his right hand to ward off the blow, and his arm was sliced down the middle, fingers to elbow.  As Smyth ran forward, a Japanese disappeared before him into a hole.  Smyth dropped at the hole to finish him off, but the Japanese was already rising from a tunnel behind him.  Smyth turned just in time to kill him.  The ground was giving Ikeda’s men every advantage and they were using them all.



In the end, 1/21 was unable to make any gains for the day and had to consolidate for the night in its jump off positions.    The 2d Battalion, now commanded by Major George A. Percy, had already become engaged in a sharp firefight at daybreak and, as a result, did not jump off until 0935.    The heavy curtain of enemy fire prevented any advance until a second artillery preparation had neutralized some of the known targets on Airfield No. 2.    The assault companies reached the southwest approaches to the airfield, but every effort to get troops onto the field itself failed, despite heavy support from Naval gunfire and a rocket barrage.    Finally, some of the advance elements succeeded in crossing the lower end of the northeast-southwest runway following an air strike, only to be driven back later by heavy machine gun and direct antitank fire.    The 21st Marines consolidated its lines for the night at the southern edge of the field.    For all practical purposes, gains for the day were nil, though the Regiment had sustained heavy casualties.


On the right flank of the 4th Marine Division zone of attack, the 24th Marines, now in line with three Battalions abreast, was to make the only sizable gains for the day.    Advancing against moderate to heavy enemy resistance, Colonel Jordan’s men gained as much as 300 yards.    Since units along the Regiment’s left flank failed to advance, the Regiment halted around 1500 and dug in for the night.


Even though two air strikes, artillery, and Naval gunfire had supported the VAC attack on D plus 4, gains made for the day remained negligible.    Before the morning attack opened, the Idaho had fired 162 rounds of 14-inch fire within 400 yards of the Marine lines; the Pensacola fired 390 rounds of 8-inch ammunition, all apparently without seriously affecting the enemy’s power to resist.    Discouraging as this tenacious enemy defense was to the frontline troops, there was a brighter side to the picture along the beaches, where, almost imperceptibly, order was beginning to emerge out of chaos.    More exits from the beaches were being opened, permitting a steady flow of supplies inland.    On 24 February, 2,500 rounds of 81mm mortar ammunition, of which there had been a critical shortage, were brought ashore, as were 25 tanks of the 3d Marine Division.    When an eastward shift of the wind made it apparent that Iwo’s eastern beaches would have a high surf on the following day, preparations were made to shift the unloading of cargo to the western beaches in the 5th Division sector for the next few days.


At the same time that supplies were coming ashore at a more steady pace, the command organization on Iwo Jima also became more stabilized.    During the morning of D plus 4, General Cates came ashore and established his Command Post just east of the northwest-southwest runway of Airfield No. 1.    Now that the Headquarters of both the 4th and 5th Marine Divisions had been set up on the Island, General Schmidt made an inspection of activities ashore while an advance party of the VAC Landing Force under the Corps chief of staff made preparations for the establishment of a Command Post.    In the course of a meeting between General Schmidt and the Division commanders it became apparent that more pressure against the enemy would have to be applied if any appreciable progress was to be made on the following day.    In consequence, an intermediate objective south of the O-2 Line was established.    The new line roughly corresponded at both ends with the O-1 Line; however, in the center it protruded nearly 800 yards to include all of Airfield No. 2.    On 24 February, a concerted attack was to be launched against the bluffs that stood squarely in the center of the VAC line.    The assault was to be preceded by the heaviest concentration of Aerial bombardment, Naval gunfire, and Artillery that could be mustered.    Tanks of the 3d, 4th, and 5th Marine Divisions were to support the main effort.    Lieutenant Colonel William R. Collins, Tank Officer of the 5th Marine Division, was charged with responsibility for coordinating the armored support.    At the same time, the remainder of the 3d Marine Division, except for the 3d Marines, was to land and move into position, prepared to take over the center of the VAC line on the following day.


As D plus 4 drew to a close, one phase of the Iwo Jima campaign had ended.    The Stars and Stripes had been hoisted above Mount Suribachi; Task Force 58 had already pulled out on the previous day, and Secretary of the Navy Forrestal departed for Guam during the late afternoon of 23 February.    The Marines of VAC had established a solid foothold ashore and there no longer was any chance for the Japanese on the Island to dislodge them.    Yet the most bitter and bloody part of the campaign was just about to begin.    No one knew this better than the Japanese who, poised in their massive defenses, somberly awaited the American onslaught.    During the night from 23-24 February, Admiral Ichimaru cabled to Admiral Toyoda his apologies for not having annihilated the Marines at the water’s edge, adding:



      Real battles are to come from now on.  Every man of my unit fully realizes the importance of this battle for the future of the nation and is determined to defend this Island at any cost, fulfilling his honorable duty.



Even as the Japanese Naval commander was composing this message, small groups of Japanese once again attempted to infiltrate the lines of both the 4th and 5th Marine Divisions.    In the 5th Division sector the enemy attempted to infiltrate both from the north and the south.    In addition, the enemy shelled the rear areas and beaches during the night, thus assuring another miserable night for the Marines, who were dug in as best they could on the fringes of the enemy’s main defense line.


On Saturday, 24 February, Iwo Jima resembled a giant beehive as the strong winds of the previous day diminished and moderate wind and surf under partly cloudy skies favored the unloading of men and supplies.    On the beaches, a steady stream of men, machines, and supplies was pouring ashore, heedless of sporadic enemy mortar fire that was still hitting the beaches.    At 1000, General Schmidt landed and assumed command ashore; shortly after noon, the VAC command post opened near the western beaches.    On Airfield No. 1, men of the 31st Naval Construction Battalion began the hazardous job of restoring the field.    With riflemen covering them, they had to crawl up the runways on hands and knees, probing for mines and picking out shell fragments.    Hidden Japanese still sniped at the Seabees and enemy artillery occasionally shelled the runways, but the work continued without interruption.    By mid-afternoon, the 9th Marines, commanded by Colonel Howard N. Kenyon, and Headquarters, 3d Marine Division, had come ashore.    General Erskine established his Command Post at the northern tip of Airfield No. 1, preparatory to taking over the central zone of action on the following day.


On the northern front D plus 5 got under way with a terrific bombardment of enemy positions just north of Airfield No. 2 from air, ground and sea.    Beginning at 0800, the Idaho, stationed off the western beaches, began to hurl 14-inch salvoes at the heavily fortified area abutting the field; standing off the eastern beaches, the Pensacola, still bearing the scars of her previous duel with enemy artillery on Mount Suribachi, was firing her heavy guns against enemy positions lying east of the Idaho’s target area.    This destructive Naval bombardment continued for more than an hour.    At 0845, Howitzers of the VAC artillery joined the bombardment in conjunction with the Division artillery, which laid down a powerful preparation directly in front of the VAC line.    At 0900, the Naval bombardment ceased as aircraft from the Escort Carriers arrived over Iwo Jima to saturate the target area with bombs and rockets.    Following the powerful preparation, VAC opened its attack at 0910 with the 26th Marines on the left, the 21st Marines in the center, and the 24th Marines on the right.


The Corps attack order had placed the axis of the main effort in the zone of action of the 5th Marine Division.    For all practical purposes however, tanks advancing on Airfield No. 2 in the zone of advance of the 21st Marines were to deliver the main stroke.    Once this attack had gained impetus, the combined force of Infantry, armor, and artillery was to be brought to bear against the enemy.    The concentration of overpowering force at one point, in accordance with the maxims of war, could produce significant results.


It was evident from the outset that the success or failure of the day’s operation would hinge largely on the performance of the tanks of the three Marine Divisions, which had been placed under the overall control of Lieutenant Colonel Collins.    The approach of the tanks to the front lines ran into considerable difficulty almost from the outset.    The original plan for the employment of armor had stipulated that the 5th Division tanks, followed by those of the 3d Division, were to proceed to Airfield No. 2 by way of the westernmost taxiway which led from Airfield No. 1 to the second field.    Tanks of the 4th Marine Division were to head for No. 2 airfield over the eastern taxiway.


This plan proved impossible to carry out when Company A, 5th Tank Battalion, which spearheaded the advance along the western route, ran into horned mines, buried aerial torpedoes, as well as heavy antitank fire.    The first tank in the column struck a mine and was disabled.    Shortly thereafter, the second tank in line, which had proceeded some distance beyond the first, ran over a buried aerial torpedo which demolished the vehicle and killed four members of the crew.    In the midst of the confusion resulting from the explosion of the aerial torpedo, heavy artillery and mortar fire immediately hit the remaining tanks in the column, four of which were put out of action momentarily, though two of them were repaired under fire.    Since the enemy had effectively blocked their route of advance, the remaining tanks returned to the bivouac area and prepared to advance on Airfield No. 2 by way of the eastern taxiway.    There, the advancing armor also encountered mines and spent most of the morning in clearing a lane.    Eventually, a dozen tanks reached the fringes of Airfield No. 2 and, having arrived there, opened fire on enemy emplacements to the north of the field.


Because of the delayed arrival of the supporting armor, the 26th Marines did not jump off until 0930 when, with three Battalions abreast, it advanced making the main effort on its right in coordination with the assault by the 21st Marines.    Progress was slow, and many tanks fail victim to mines and accurate enemy antitank fire.    For the men of the 21st Marines, who were denied the expected armored support during the early part of the day, the going was extremely rough, and the Regiment had to advance into intense enemy fire.    Shortly after 1000, both Companies I and K lost their commanding officers in a matter of minutes.    Nevertheless, and despite high casualties, the advance continued.    By noon, elements of Company K, 21st Marines, had crossed the field and were attacking enemy positions on an elevation just north of the junction of the two runways.


It was rough going for the attacking Marines of 3/21 all the way, as they charged across Airfield No. 2 and uphill against a well-defended belt of interconnected pillboxes, trenches, tunnels, and antitank gun positions.    Twice they were driven off the ridge, but they attacked again.    Once within the enemy positions, the Marines assaulted Colonel Ikeda’s men with, rocks, rifle butts, bayonets, knives, pistols and shovels.    Around noon, just as it appeared that the ridge had been secured, heavy artillery fire began to hit the forward most elements of 3/21 and the attack ground to a halt.    Nevertheless, a gap had been made in the enemy line and through this gap tanks, bazooka men, mortar men, and machine gunners were now able to advance.


The attack of 2/21 encountered considerable difficulty in moving towards Airfield No. 2 in its zone of advance.    The arrival of supporting armor at 1000 proved to be a mixed blessing, since the armor attracted a heavy volume of artillery and mortar fire that pinned down the assault companies.    When the supporting tanks tried to advance over the runways, Colonel Ikeda’s antitank guns soon put a stop to this effort.   Nevertheless, by inching northward around the end of the runway, elements of 2/21 were nearly abreast of the 26th Marines on their left shortly after noon.    This advance served to erase the deep bulge which the enemy positions had previously made into the Marine lines.


At 1330, as soon as the 21st Marines had consolidated the morning’s gains, a second deadly preparation of Naval gunfire and Artillery, similar to that which had preceded the jump off in the morning, rained down on the Japanese positions north of Airfield No. 2.    As aircraft joined in the preparation, the 26th and 21st Marines launched a coordinated tank-infantry attack against the high ground to the north of the airfield.    Once again, vicious hand-to-hand combat broke out.    By 1415, Companies I and K of 3/21 had occupied the high ground across the east-west runway and tied in with each other.    The supporting tanks now were able to operate on the western half of both runways, from where they directed their fire against enemy gun emplacements and pillboxes.    The enemy responded with heavy antitank fire and mortar barrages.    The latter did little damage to the tanks, but proved extremely detrimental to the infantry advancing alongside the armor.    By the time the attack halted in late afternoon, the most forward elements of the 21st Marines had to withdraw to the southern edge of the east-west runway.    Companies I and K of 3/21, on the other hand, were determined to hold their hard-won positions north of the airfield and remained in place.    Badly needed supplies for these men had to be brought up after dark across the airfield.


At the same time that the 21st Marines swept northward across the airfield during the afternoon, the 26th Marines, with 2/26 and 3/26 abreast, also jumped off.    Colonel Graham’s men moved forward without significant difficulty over the ground directly in front of the Regiment until they pulled abreast of the forward lines of the adjacent 21st Marines.    From that point on, they drew continuous fire from cave positions to their right front.    As the Marines approached, the Japanese on the high ground lobbed down grenades on the exposed assault force.    The Marines retaliated with flamethrowers and white phosphorus grenades.    By 1600, 3/26 had advanced about 400 yards beyond the forward lines of the 21st Marines and secured for the day.    The 1st

Battalion, 26th Marines, was pulled out of reserve and moved up to positions along the foot of the ridge line on the right boundary which the 5th Marine Division shared with 2/21.    As in the case of the 21st Marines, RCT 26 had paid for the day’s advance with heavy losses.    The enemy did not spare the stretcher bearers who were forced to run a gantlet of fire as they attempted to carry wounded Marines to the rear, and losses among these men were heavy.


The most difficult fighting and terrain, with the least gains on D plus 5 fell to Colonel Jordan’s 24th Marines on the very right flank of the VAC line.    Following the thunderous preparation prior to H-hour, the 24th Marines, with 2/25 attached, jumped off.    Both 2/24 and 3/24 attacked alongside the 21st Marines towards Airfield No. 2.    Initially, the two Battalions made good progress and by 1100, 2/24 was approaching the eastern end of the east-west runway.


At this point the advancing Marines found themselves confronted by a nondescript hill which ran along the southeast edge of the east-west runway.    For lack of a better name, in accordance with military custom, this otherwise insignificant elevation was designated as Charlie-Dog Ridge, so named after the map grid squares in which it was located.    To the southeast, a spur of this ridge culminated in a semicircular rise of ground soon to become infamous as the “Amphitheater.”    There, the Japanese had constructed some of the most formidable defenses on the Island.    The approach to this terrain feature from the south came squarely under the guns emplaced on the ridge.    To the east, the route led across a weird series of volcanic outcroppings and draws.


Just before 1130, as the Marines were preparing to assault Charlie-Dog Ridge, only 150 yards from the eastern end of the east-west runway, the enemy on the ridge fired at point-blank range with heavy machine guns, rifles and antitank guns.    At the same time, 2/24 and 3/24 were hit by antiaircraft airbursts and mortar and artillery fire that stopped them cold.    The 24th Marines was approaching the core of General Kuribayashi’s central Island defense system, featuring Hill 382, highest elevation on northern Iwo just beyond the airfield, as well as the Amphitheater, Turkey Knob, and Minami village.    A sensitive enemy nerve had been exposed, and the Japanese reacted accordingly.    Once the pinned-down men had taken the measure of what confronted them, they called for support from the 105mm Howitzers of the 14th Marines and brought fire from their 81mm and 60mm mortars to bear against the firmly entrenched enemy.    While these weapons peppered the enemy positions, Marines of 2/24 were able to move four machine guns into positions offering a clear field of fire on some of the enemy emplacements on Charlie-Dog Ridge.    At the same time, men of the weapons company moved a 37mm gun close to the front and succeeded in knocking out a number of enemy emplacements.


Under cover of this barrage, the Marines were able to inch their way forward.    For the remainder of the afternoon, assault squads, burning and blasting their way to the top of the ridge, led the way, followed by the remainder of Company G.    As elsewhere along the VAC line, casualties were heavy; at 1500, the mortars of 3/24 fired 80, white phosphorus smoke shells to screen the evacuation of wounded.    Shortly after 1600, just as it appeared that all the enemy resisting on Charlie-Dog Ridge could be mopped up before nightfall, the Japanese unleashed a tremendous mortar barrage which drove 2/24 and 3/24 off the ridge that had been taken at such heavy cost.    One of the mortar shells exploded in the command post of 3/24, killing three men and wounding the Battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander A. Vandegrift, Jr., the son of the Commandant.    Wounded in both legs, the Battalion commander had to be evacuated and the Battalion Executive Officer, Major Doyle A. Stout, assumed command.


On the right of the 24th Marines, the 1st Battalion had also jumped off for the attack on D plus 5.    However, from the very outset, the progress of 1/24 was seriously impeded by the broken terrain, which prevented the Battalion from playing any part in the main effort taking place to its left.    Instead, Major Treitel’s men crept and crawled forward, while an unseen enemy, operating from cleverly concealed emplacements and caves, poured a steady stream of fire into the attack force.    In its attempt to keep the advance from bogging down altogether, 1/24 had the assistance of five LVT (A)s which had been attached to the Regiment for fire support.    Three of the vehicles went up the coast road a short distance beyond the East Boat Basin and fired on targets designated by Infantry commanders; the remaining two fired inland from the water, giving the hard pressed Infantry all possible support.    At 1700, Colonel Jordan ordered all units of his Regiments to consolidate for the night.    During the day, the left flank of RCT 24 had advanced about 500 yards; the center approximately 50 yards, and the extreme right flank about 100 yards, thus straightening the line in the Regimental sector.


On the whole, 24 February had been a grueling day for all VAC units.    As the day closed, General Schmidt was able to report that gains of 200 to 1,000 yards, has been made in the attack and that the VAC objective had been reached on both flanks.    The price for the gains made in men and materiel continued to be very heavy.    Since D-Day, the enemy had destroyed 32 friendly tanks.    As D plus 5 ended American casualties on Iwo Jima had risen to 7,758 an increase of 5,388 since the end of D-Day.    During the five-day drive to Airfield No. 2, 773 Marines had died; 3,741 had been wounded, of whom nearly 300 subsequently were to succumb to their injuries; 5 were missing, and 558 were suffering from combat fatigue.    The combat efficiency of the 4th Marine Division at the end of the day had been reduced by casualties and battle fatigue to an estimated 60 percent.    The 5th Marine Division with a total of more than 3,000 casualties had fared little better.    The 26th Marines, in particular, had sustained very heavy losses.    By evening of D plus 5, Colonel Graham’s Regiment had lost 21 officers and 332 enlisted men.


Nevertheless, the Japanese were beginning to feel the impact of the VAC assault.    Late on 23 February, the commander of the 309th Independent Infantry Battalion had already reported to Major General Sadasue Senda, commanding the 2d Mixed Brigade, that communication to all units had been severed, and that his command post had been surrounded for the last three days and harassed by hand grenades and flamethrowers through the entrance.    “Nevertheless,” the Battalion commander concluded, “the fighting spirit of all men and officers is high.    We shall continue to inflict as much damage as possible upon the enemy until we are all annihilated.    We pray for final victory and the safety of our country.’’


Japanese intentions for the continued defense of Iwo Jima were correctly formulated in a 4th Marine Division intelligence report which concluded that “lack of a large scale enemy counter-attack to date was an indication of conservation of forces for a continued stubborn defense in depth.”    Since the enemy had a sizable force left, an eventual counterattack could not be discounted.    In fact, since the high ground held by the Japanese now was jeopardized, a counterattack by a large enemy force was a dangerous probability.    In any event, the enemy was certain to continue his harassment of the invasion force with artillery and through air attacks launched from nearby Islands.    The scales of battle had not yet tilted fully in favor of the American assault troops.    It was clear to all involved that much heavy fighting lay ahead before all of Iwo Jima was conquered.



NEXT:    3d Marine Division Operations on Iwo Jima