The Preliminaries






In his capacity as Commanding General, VAC Landing Force, Major General Harry Schmidt was directly responsible for the preparation and training of all units placed under his command for the Iwo Jima operation.    Such training, in addition to a routine program, not only featured the participation of VAC units in tests and demonstrations of new types of amphibious equipment such as the Clever-Brooks amphibian trailer and the M-29C cargo carrier (Weasel), but also familiarized personnel with new weapons and techniques scheduled for employment during Operation DETACHMENT.    Division training programs stressed attacks against fortified positions; the reduction of pillboxes; detection, marking, and removal of mines; and the employment and coordination of supporting arms.


During the last two weeks of November, the 4th Marine Division carried out amphibious maneuvers on Maui, and a field exercise on the Division level.    Two command post exercises followed.    The 5th Marine Division conducted training exercises at Camp Tarawa on Hawaii Island.    At Hilo, the men practiced the embarkation and debarkation of troops and loading and unloading of equipment onto LSTs.    The Artillery Battalions of the 13th Marines went to Maume beach for special loading exercises with DUKWs, LSTs, and LSMs.    Using the big amphibious trucks, the artillerymen learned how to load and unload their Howitzers and practiced moving in and out of the great jaws of the LSTs, causing at least one Marine to comment:  “This reminds me of Jonah and the whale.”


Within the 5th Marine Division, the 28th Marines, scheduled to spearhead the assault, received special training.    Each Battalion of that Regiment conducted exercises that involved landing on beaches resembling those of Iwo, right down to soft volcanic ash.    The maneuvers also included the envelopment of a hill that could pass for a fairly close duplicate of Mount Suribachi.    Without those in the ranks being aware of it, elements of the Division actually executed the scheme of maneuver called for in the Iwo operations plan.    The Division conducted three command post exercises in Hawaii, including one problem calling for the coordination of Air, Naval gunfire, and Artillery support.


On Guam, the men of the 3d Marine Division trained for the impending operation in accordance with the mission assigned to them.    Training stressed the phases a reserve unit had to pass through upon landing and moving up into the interior of the Island.    Since the Division was not scheduled to take part in the amphibious assault, no assault landing exercises were conducted.    The 3d Division was to utilize the shore party facilities of the two Assault Divisions preceding it ashore.


The replacement drafts did not join their Divisions until late November.    Even though the replacements had received basic individual training in the United States, they had to learn basic small unit tactics and had to exercise in them before qualifying as combat ready.    Since the men were to serve with shore parties prior to being assigned to combat duty, they also had to be initiated into cargo-handling duties.


Owing to the advanced state of training in the Divisions and the high level of experience of their Marines, VAC training directives were concerned with refinement of combat techniques and provision for supervision and support of Divisions and Corps troops.    Otherwise, training was left to the Divisions.    A late delivery of DUKWs caused some delay in training the newly activated amphibian truck companies with their vehicles.    Considerable retraining was required to familiarize tank crews and maintenance personnel with the operation and servicing of new M4A3 Sherman tanks.


Upon the conclusion of amphibious exercises, the Hawaii-based assault forces began staging on 24 December 1944; by 9 January, all troops had embarked.    Individual units proceeded to Oahu, where they assembled with other elements of the Joint Expeditionary Force for rehabilitation.    This period lasted from 19-26 January 1945.    During this time, all men received some liberty ashore and took part in supervised recreation.


From 27 December 1944 to 8 January 1945, the 4th Marine Division moved on board its transports off Maui.    The 5th Marine Division loaded at Hawaii from 25 December to mid-January.    The men of the 3d Marine Division on Guam were not scheduled to begin embarkation for another month.


Final rehearsals for the remainder of the landing force were held in the Marianas during the second week of February.    Also participating in these rehearsals were aircraft and ships of the Amphibious Support Force (TF 52), commanded by Admiral Blandy, and the Naval Gunfire and Covering Force (TF 54), under Rear Admiral Bertram J. Rodgers.    The final exercises had the primary aim of testing coordination between the attack force and the supporting arms.    Shore fire control parties actually landed on Tinian and tested communications in connection with a simulated bombardment.    Sea conditions made it impractical to boat the troops during that part of the exercises conducted on 12 February; on the following day however, the troops debarked, waves were formed, and landing craft were taken to within 300 yards of the beaches on the west coast of Tinian.


On 15 February, the combat-loaded LSTs (tractor groups) departed for the target area; during the afternoon of the following day, Transport Squadrons 15 and 16, carrying the landing force assault troops moved out, screened by Cruisers and Destroyers.    On the same day, ships carrying the 3d Tank Battalion, Corps Engineers, Naval Construction Battalions, one Corps Artillery and two U.S. Army Antiaircraft Artillery Battalions left Guam.    On 17 February, Transport Squadron 11 departed Guam, carrying the 3d Marine Division as Expeditionary Troops Reserve.    During the voyage to Iwo Jima, RCT 26 was released from Corps Reserve to the 5th Marine Division.    RCT 21, which was embarked in Transport Division 32, left Guam on the evening of 16 February, to be released from Expeditionary Troops Reserve to Corps Reserve when it reached Iwo in midmorning of 19 February.


As the invasion fleet silently moved towards the objective, Admiral Turner’s Flagship, the USS Eldorado, carried a distinguished passenger, who on 15 February had boarded the ship with such little fanfare that a large number of the crew initially was unaware of his presence.    It was James V. Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, intent on witnessing the imminent operation as an observer.    Dressed in khakis without insignia of any kind, he might easily have been mistaken for one of the civilian war correspondents on board the Command Ship.


The Japanese were aware of the armada’s departure from Saipan almost as soon as it had gotten under way.    Whether the fleet was spotted by an enemy aircraft or submarine has never been clearly established, though at least one source credits a Naval patrol plane with having reported on 13 February that 170 ships were moving northwest from Saipan.    As a result, all Japanese troops in the Volcano-Bonins were placed on a state of alert.


The reaction to the news that an American invasion force was moving towards the Bonins or the Volcano Islands was nothing short of explosive in the home Islands, where emotions had already been whipped to a fever pitch:



     Uniformed schoolboys stormed into Perry Park at Kurihama, near Yokohama, the site where Commodore Perry had come ashore nearly a century before to reopen Japan to the Western world.  The boys, rallying under the banner of the Imperial Rule Assistance Youth Corps, rushed the granite shaft and in a frenzy of patriotism toppled it to the ground and spat upon it.



No such hysteria gripped General Kuribayashi and his Iwo Jima garrison.    The Japanese defenses on the Island had progressed as far as they ever would.    In the time available to fortify the Island, all that could possibly be done had been accomplished.    Filled with great fighting spirit, reverence for the Emperor, and determination to drive the invaders back into the sea, the enemy sat in his dugouts and waited.





Actually, the battle for Iwo Jima had opened long before the first ships of the American invasion fleet hove into view off the Island.    Following the first large-scale Carrier raid of June 1944, regularly scheduled air strikes against the target began in August.    Air operations against Iwo passed through two stages.    First, there was the strategic phase prior to 16 February 1945, carried out mainly by Marianas-based B-24 bombers of the Seventh Air Force.    Beginning on 8 December, and continuing for 74 consecutive days, the bombers rained death and destruction on the Volcano-Bonin Islands.    Iwo Jima received special attention.    Marine PBJs (B-25 medium bombers) of VMB-612 participated in this bomber offensive from early December 1944 until the last days of January 1945.    Operating from the Marianas under the Army Air Forces VII Bomber Command, the Marine aviators flew night missions over the Volcano-Bonin Islands with special emphasis on the disruption of enemy shipping, since it was known that the Japanese, vulnerable to American air attack during the daytime, were making a frantic effort to rush supplies to Iwo and nearby Islands at night.


As of 31 January 1945, all air missions were executed in accordance with the Iwo Jima Air Support Plan.    During the last three weeks preceding the invasion, B-24s from the Marianas flew 30 sorties a day or more against the Island.    The overall purpose of the bombing was to neutralize the airfields and installations on Iwo, destroy gun positions and fixed defenses, and unmask additional targets.    Initially, the land-based missions against Iwo were executed under the Commander, Task Force 93, Lieutenant General Millard F. Harmon, USA.    As the invasion date neared, the bomber raids were conducted in accordance with requests from the Commander, Joint Expeditionary Force.


Beginning 16 February, air attacks against Iwo increased in frequency until a daylight attack hit the island at least once every 24 hours.    In addition, Iwo was exposed to night harassing missions and fighter sweeps.    Photographic reconnaissance flights attempted to obtain a last-minute picture of enemy defenses prior to the invasion.


At numerous times prior to D-Day, aerial photographic reconnaissance attempted to estimate the effectiveness of both Aerial and Naval bombardment of the target with particular emphasis on the study of selected target areas which had been the subject of specific strike requests.    Among the last of these studies was one submitted to the Chief of Staff (C/S) of VAC on 9 February 1945.    The first paragraph of this report poignantly stated:



     Photographic coverage of Iwo Jima to 24 January 1945 indicates that damage to installations resulting from bombing strikes between 3 December 1944 and 24 January 1945 was, on the whole, negligible.  These strikes have apparently not prevented the enemy from improving his defensive position and, as of 24 January 1945, his installations of all categories had notably increased in number.  The Island is now far more heavily defended by gun positions and field fortifications than it was on 15 October 1944, when initial heavy bombing strikes were initiated.



This information was corroborated in a special memorandum submitted by the G-2 to the C/S on 13 February.    This memorandum compared the enemy’s static defenses between 3 December 1944 and 10 February 1945, and noted significant increases in the number of heavy weapons and field fortifications, particularly blockhouses and pillboxes.


A further evaluation of the constant bombing indicated that it was not altogether ineffective: the destruction of aircraft on the ground and the temporary neutralization of the Iwo airfields was accomplished.    On the other hand, gun emplacements, blockhouses, pillboxes, shelters, and other strong points proved far less vulnerable owing to the thorough preparation of such installations against attack from the Air and Naval gunfire.    The rugged terrain with its countless caves afforded excellent protection from high level bombing.


Even the bomber attacks against the Iwo Jima Airfields could not prevent their use by the enemy for any appreciable length of time.    In evaluating the effectiveness of the air strikes, the Army Air Forces had to concede “that at no time were all of Iwo’s strips rendered inoperational and no single strip was out of service for a whole day: the destructive Christmas raid on Saipan was run the day after a heavy air-sea bombardment of Iwo.


As D-Day for Operation DETACHMENT approached, the Army Air Forces stepped up the assault against Iwo.    Between 1 and 16 February, Seventh Air Force bombers flew 283 daylight sorties, dropping 602 tons of bombs and 1,111 drums of napalm; in the same period, B-24s flew 233 night snooper missions, dropping 504 tons of bombs.    On 12 February, 21 B-29s of the 313th Bombardment Wing dropped 84 tons of bombs on carefully pinpointed gun emplacements on Mount Suribachi as well as on antiaircraft positions and radio and radar installations elsewhere on the Island.    Again results were disappointing because the bombers flew at moderately high altitudes and frequently released their bombs by radar because of cloudy weather.    In any case, the bomber crews found it extremely difficult to score square hits on the cleverly concealed and deeply dug-in targets.    Napalm was dropped for the purpose of burning off the camouflage, but this method was unsuccessful, partly because of inaccurate drops and partly because the rocks and ashes used as cover would not burn.


In view of the failure of the bombing assault to inflict crippling damage on the Japanese on Iwo, the preliminary Naval gunfire bombardment of the Island, a vital and indispensable prelude to the operation, was bound to grow in importance.    The very nature of an amphibious assault against a strongly fortified enemy bastion, largely devoid of the element of surprise, made it mandatory for the preliminary gunfire to eliminate a sizable portion of the enemy defenses.    Without this shore bombardment, the very success of the assault could become imperiled or severe casualties could result among the Marines slated to go ashore.    It was in this vital realm of Naval gunfire support that Marine and Navy leaders of the Iwo expedition failed to achieve complete accord; the former, represented by General Holland Smith, had seen in previous assaults what fire from an enemy not sufficiently subdued could do to Marine assault waves nearing the shore of a well-defended Island.


General Smith’s anxiety increased the closer D-Day approached.    This experienced Marine leader compared Iwo to a worm that became stronger the more it was cut up, for the Island seemed to thrive on the American aerial bombardment.    The leader of the expeditionary troops was to recall his feeling of what was ahead:



     My own study of early air photographs indicated that a situation of an incredible nature existed on the Island.  It was plain that Iwo Jima had fortifications the like and extent of which we had never encountered.  Mindful of Tarawa, where most of the fortifications were above ground and were still standing when the Marines landed, my opinion was that far more Naval gunfire was needed on an Island five times the size of Tarawa, with many more times the number of defenses, most of them deep underground.

     I could not forget the sight of Marines floating in the lagoon or lying on the beaches at Tarawa, men who died assaulting defenses which should have been taken out by Naval gunfire.  At Iwo Jima, the problem was far more difficult.  If Naval guns could not knock out visible defenses, how could they smash invisible defenses except by sheer superabundance of fire?



General Smith and his staff were in agreement that the softening up of Iwo Jima would have to be preceded by an especially lengthy period of intense Naval gunfire.    The type of guns, as well as the amount and type of ammunition required to do a thorough job, hinged on the intelligence on the kind and number of targets.    Based on such intelligence, the number of ships to be employed in the bombardment force could be computed with some degree of accuracy.    The guaranteed destruction of a target required visual identification by a spotter on board ship or in the air, followed by precision adjustment.    In addition to competence in surface gunnery, the men directing this shore bombardment required special training and experience.    On the basis of previous operations at Tarawa, Guam, Saipan, and Peleliu, Marine planners knew that the process of preliminary gunfire could not be hurried.


As early as September 1944, the staff of VAC, supported by members of Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, had begun the preparation of detailed planning for the Naval gunfire required for the assault on Iwo Jima.    This planning was carried out under the direction of Lieutenant Colonel Donald M. Weller, who had been designated Naval Gunfire Officer for both VAC and FMFPac.    Since, even at this early stage of the planning effort, it was known that Iwo Jima represented one of the most heavily fortified strongpoints on earth, Marine planners stipulated that a force of Battleships and Cruisers would require 10 days to reduce point targets on the Island that could bring direct fire to bear on either of the two landing beaches then under consideration.    On 24 October 1944, VAC submitted to Admiral Turner its Naval gunfire requirements, which called for a preliminary bombardment force of seven Battleships, seven heavy Cruisers, and two light Cruisers.


Meanwhile, Admiral Turner’s gunnery officers had also worked on the Naval gunfire requirements for Operation DETACHMENT.    Their conclusions differed materially from those of the Marines.    In this respect, the Naval officers’ viewpoint was influenced by a number of factors that unintentionally were to work to the disadvantage of the Marine assault force.    Foremost among these was the consideration that the initial surface bombardment had to be closely coordinated with the first Carrier attack against Tokyo by the Fast Carrier Force (TF 58).    Admiral Spruance initially had planned that a Carrier strike on Tokyo was to coincide with the opening of the prelanding bombardment of Iwo Jima.    Once the Naval bombardment started, all tactical surprise at Iwo would be lost.    The longer the prelanding bombardment continued, the more it became likely that enemy aircraft from the home Islands would interfere with the landings.    A two-day Carrier strike against Japan would detract enemy attention from Iwo.    At the same time, Naval aviation could strike a blow at the enemy’s aircraft manufacturing plants, which thus far had escaped crippling damage from land based aircraft.    Sustained air attacks would be required to reduce enemy aircraft production.    Admiral Spruance observed nevertheless, that he could see no object in combating these aircraft around the perimeter if accurate bombing could wreck the factories that produced the enemy planes.    As a result, Carrier aircraft were to be employed against a strategic, rather than a tactical objective.


Somewhere in the course of the Naval planning process, the air strike against Honshu began to loom ever larger in importance until what had started out as a diversionary maneuver began to turn, in the minds of the Naval planning staff, into the major attraction.     More and more emphasis was placed on the importance of the Naval air strike against Japan; the imminent assault on Iwo gradually began to recede further into the background.    Naval planners, in reaching their own conclusions as to what could be made available by way of preliminary gunfire, had to consider limitations on the availability of ships, difficulty in replenishing ammunition, and a tight schedule that made it necessary to launch and complete the Iwo operation with all possible dispatch to avoid any delay in the assault on Okinawa, which was to follow closely at the heels of Operation DETACHMENT.


The two widely varying viewpoints of Marine and Navy, Naval gunfire planning staffs soon found their expression in the times recommended for preliminary Naval gunfire by the Navy commanders and those of the Marine landing force.    The initial VAC request for Naval gunfire not only asked for a minimum of 10 days’ bombardment, but also stipulated that D-Day be made dependent on “the successful prosecution of the destruction of enemy defensive installations.”


Marine Corps Naval gunfire requirements, strongly endorsed by General Holland Smith, were forwarded to the Commander, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet.    The expectation was that the Navy would generally concur with what was considered a carefully prepared and reasonable estimate of the Naval gunfire required to ensure the quick seizure of the objective with a minimum of casualties.    To the surprise and consternation of Marine planners, Admiral Turner informed VAC on 15 November that “a methodical and thorough bombardment would be instituted by the Amphibious Support Force on Dog minus three.”


Faced unexpectedly with a reduction of the vital Naval gunfire support from 10 days to 3, General Schmidt had a special staff study prepared, consisting of detailed tabulations, and an appended interpretation and evaluation of these very detailed statistics.    As a concession, the study pointed out that the overall time for preliminary fires of all types, including support of Underwater Demolition Team (UDT) and minesweeping operations, as well as the systematic preparatory missions, should not be less than nine days.


Admiral Turner countered the VAC recommendations with a letter that praised the Marine planners and at the same time dashed icy water on any hopes that VAC would receive anything approaching the nine days of Naval gunfire. In Turner’s words:



     . . . the preliminary Naval Gunfire Estimates for the assault of Iwo Jima given in the basic letter are much the best such analysis ever submitted to this command.  It is desired not only to meet the wishes expressed in the letter as far as limitations of ships, ammunition, and time permit, but also to furnish even more support than asked for, up to the limit of Naval capabilities.



Attached to the basic letter were comments supporting the Naval view point.    Once again, the efforts of VAC to obtain what it considered a minimum amount of Naval gunfire preparation had been thwarted.    Nevertheless, General Schmidt was not yet ready to accept the inevitable.    By way of another proposal, this one a severe compromise, he asked that the preliminary bombardment begin on D minus 4.


In this request, the Commanding General, VAC, was strongly seconded by General Holland Smith, who pointed out that from lessons learned in previous operations and from continued study and analysis of Operation DETACHMENT, he considered four full days for the preliminary bombardment the absolute minimum necessary for success.    General Smith went on to warn that unless the strong Japanese defenses were destroyed or at least neutralized, casualties far beyond any heretofore suffered in the Central Pacific had to be expected; in fact, the success of the entire operation might be jeopardized.


On 30 November, it appeared that Admiral Turner was willing to go along with four days of Naval gunfire, provided both that the Commander Fifth Fleet agreed, and that the Fast Carrier Strike Force could deliver its blow against Japan on D minus 4.     Upon being apprised for the recommended extra day of Naval gunfire, Admiral Spruance disapproved the request.    The rejection was based on three reasons.    First, Spruance insisted that the initial surface bombardment had to coincide with the initial Carrier attack upon the Tokyo area.    Second, the Commander, Fifth Fleet, thought that the situation on Iwo Jima differed from that previously encountered on Saipan for the reason that by D-Day the enemy personnel and fixed defenses at Iwo would have been under heavy shore-based air attack for a considerable period of time.    According to Spruance, this prolonged air bombardment, which was not undertaken at Saipan, had to be considered at least as effective as the recommended additional day of ship bombardment.    Third, the Admiral pointed out that there would be no early opportunity for replacement of Naval ammunition, a large proportion of which had to be saved for support on D-Day.    There was a limit to the quantity of ammunition available for pre-D-Day bombardment and no advantage was seen in delivering that quantity in four days rather than in three.


Still, the last word on the subject of Naval gunfire support had not yet been spoken, and during the first week of January the Marines tried again.    On the 2d, General Schmidt once again pleaded for an extension of the preliminary bombardment period.    On this occasion, he suggested that either the time allotted for the preliminary bombardment be increased or the fire be concentrated against the main landing beaches, leaving other parts of the Island for later.    Once again, General Holland Smith supported the VAC request adding that since the overall time element was an important factor in the capture of Iwo Jima, a preliminary bombardment of sufficient time would actually reduce the duration of the operation.    Smith reiterated that the effects of the horizontal bombing attacks on the objective had thus far been negligible and that the final result of the air offensive against the Island could not be expected to measure up to the benefits derived from an additional day of Naval bombardment.    The Commanding General, FMFPac, warned that only an adequate, methodical preliminary bombardment could reduce the Island defenses to a point where a quick capture was assured.    The preliminary bombardment then planned not only would increase the overall time necessary to complete the operation, but also would require an unnecessary expenditure of lives during the initial assault phase.


In his memoirs, General Smith conceded with some bitterness that his warning did not fall on fertile ground:



     Limited, against our better judgment, to only three days’ preliminary bombardment there seemed nothing to do but make the best of the situation . . . Thus we were defeated—a group of trained and experienced land fighters, our full realization of the necessity for Naval gunfire based on many previous Island operations—again overridden by the Naval mind.  Finding ourselves in this dilemma, we had tried our best to enlighten the high command, feeling that our judgment would be respected, but Naval expediency won again.



Even while the duration of the preliminary Naval bombardment was still under discussion, the force required to deliver this fire was being organized.    The Amphibious Support Force (TF 52), commanded by Rear Admiral Blandy, consisted of a Gunfire and Covering Force (TF 54) under Rear Admiral Rodgers; a Support Carrier Group (TG 52.2) under Rear Admiral Calvin T. Durgin; a Mine Group (TG 52.3), commanded by Rear Admiral Alexander Sharp; an Underwater Demolition Group (TG 52.4), commanded by Captain B. Hall Hanlon; Gunboat Support Units One and Two (TUS 52.5.1 and 52.2.2), headed by Commander Michael J. Malanaphy; and an Air Support Unit (TU 52.10), under Captain Elton C. Parker.


The limitation of the preliminary bombardment to three days placed a heavy burden on the support ships of TF 54, whose mission it was to knock out or neutralize the most powerful and menacing enemy defenses prior to D-Day.    There were no less than 724 Type A and B priority targets to be destroyed during 16, 17, and 18 February.    The mission was to be executed by 6 Battleships, 4 heavy Cruisers, 1 light Cruiser, and 16 Destroyers.    The Battleships were the Tennessee, Idaho, Texas, New York, Nevada, and Arkansas; the Chester, Salt Lake City, Tuscaloosa, and Pensacola made up the heavy cruiser force; the light cruiser was the Vicksburg.    The Arkansas, Texas, and Nevada were veterans of the Normandy invasion in June 1944; the New York had seen previous service during the invasion of North Africa in 1942.    Two new battleships, the North Carolina and the Washington, each equipped with 16–inch guns, were the most powerful ships initially slated to take part in the pre-invasion bombardment.    They were withdrawn however, to take part in the strike of Task Force 58 against Tokyo.


On board the AGC Estes were Admiral Blandy and his staff, responsible for all operations against Iwo during the preassault period.    Lieutenant Colonel Weller was also on board the Estes, heading the Marine gunfire team.    Marines under his command were stationed on board each ship participating in the preassault firing.    The bombardment plan incorporated lessons learned in the European and Pacific Theaters of Operations.    Iwo Jima had been divided into numbered squares and each square was assigned to a specific ship.    Every target was numbered, and on board the Estes was a master card index which consisted of a card with appropriate information for each target.    Carrier pilots, with special training as gunfire spotters, were ready to take to the air from the Carrier Wake Island to act as eyes for the bombardment ships.    An elaborate radio net had been set up to coordinate the efforts of the various gunfire teams.    Since area bombardment had been found wasteful and inefficient in previous operations, all fire support units had been ordered to fire only when specific targets could be identified and the effects of the shelling could be observed from the air.


Early on 16 February, just as Admiral Mitscher was launching his planes against the Japanese homeland, Admiral Blandy’s bombardment fleet appeared off Iwo Jima in plain view of the Japanese garrison.    Aware of the approach of the invasion force, General Kuribayashi had on the previous night dispatched to Tokyo an urgent request for the Imperial Japanese Fleet to come out and engage the American forces.    The reply to his urgent plea was negative; the Imperial Fleet would not come out now, but on 1 April, when it would sally forth and push the Americans back all the way to the mainland.


The shore bombardment began at 0800, with support vessels following the minesweepers.    It became apparent almost at once that prevailing weather conditions precluded the execution of scheduled firing.    A low ceiling made it impossible for observers and spotters to perform their duties.    Each ship fired in its assigned sector only when the weather permitted.    On those infrequent occasions, intensive antiaircraft fire from the Island forced observation planes to maintain an altitude above 3,000 feet, too high for an accurate assessment of the effects of the Naval gunfire.


Despite the unfavorable weather, the air offensive against Iwo continued on D minus 3, though on a vastly reduced scale.    Eight Navy fighters attacked Airfield Number 1 with rockets, while other Carrier aircraft attacked gun emplacements on Mount Suribachi.    During the afternoon, 42 B–24 bombers arrived from the Marianas, but by this time the overcast had thickened, so Admiral Blandy ordered them back home with their bombs still aboard.    Altogether, on 16 February, Carrier aircraft from Rear Admiral Calvin T. Durgin’s Support Carrier Group (TG 52.2) flew 158 sorties.    Until the airfields on Iwo were secured, Carrier-based aircraft would have to furnish all the close air support for the combat troops ashore.


During the afternoon of the 16th, little more was accomplished as far as the destruction of primary targets on Iwo Jima was concerned.    During one tense moment, the pilot of one of the spotter planes from the Pensacola, an OS2U Kingfisher, reported that there was a Zero on his tail.    To everyone’s surprise, the much faster Zero missed the slow moving target, and as he roared by, the pilot of the spotter plane fired into the Japanese fighter’s tail, causing the plane to crash.    The appearance of this Zero marked the only aerial opposition the Japanese offered throughout the day.


During the late afternoon, members of UDT 13 proceeded in small boats to Higashi Rock, about 1½ miles off the eastern beaches, where they placed a marker which flashed at two-second intervals, to be used as a guide for the assault troops.    The Japanese observed the men on the rock and fired at them, but failed to inflict any casualties.   Their mission completed, the frogmen withdrew.    At 1800, the bombardment ships sailed further out to sea for the night.    An undetermined number of the several hundred priority targets on Iwo had been destroyed by the first day’s bombardment.    Poor visibility precluded an accurate assessment of the results.    It was not an auspicious beginning for the Marines.


Six hundred miles to the north, Admiral Mitscher’s Fast Carrier Force had also gone into action on the 16th.    From a launching position only 60 miles off the Japanese mainland, TF 58 unleashed its Carrier planes against the Tokyo area in the early morning hours, specifically against aircraft plants that previous Army Air Forces B–29 raids had failed to obliterate.    Despite a low ceiling and bad weather, the Carrier pilots, in two days of pounding the Japanese homeland, inflicted heavy damage on enemy war plants.    In addition, TF 58 claimed 341 enemy planes shot down, 190 destroyed on the ground, at a cost of 60 aircraft lost in combat and 28 operationally.    When weather conditions deteriorated on 17 February and temperatures dropped so low that a considerable number of guns of Carrier aircraft froze, Admiral Mitscher cancelled further strikes.    After recovering its planes, TF 58 began retiring towards Iwo Jima during the afternoon of the 17th, a day sooner than had been planned.    During the night from 17–18 February, Destroyers of TF 58 enroute to the landing force objective destroyed several small enemy picket boats and rammed a fourth.    In passing Chichi Jima and Haha Jima to the north of Iwo, Carrier planes attacked the airfield on the former and destroyed several small vessels offshore.    TF 58 approached Iwo Jima during the afternoon of the 18th and prepared to lend direct support to the landings scheduled for the morning of the 19th.


The activities of Admiral Blandy’s bombardment force off Iwo Jima on 17 February were to be of decisive importance, particularly in view of the fact that little damage on the Japanese defenses had been inflicted by the shelling of the previous day.    All indications were that the second day of the prelanding bombardment would be more successful than the first, for the morning’s weather had brought clear skies and excellent visibility.    The schedule for 17 February called for fighter sweeps against Chichi Jima, minesweeping off Iwo Jima, and beach reconnaissance by Underwater Demolition Teams, closely supported by the large ships, Destroyers, and LCI gunboats.    During the early afternoon, B-24s were slated to give the Island another going over.


Shortly after 0800, a dozen minesweepers approached to within 750 yards of the Island, searching for mines and obstacles and probing the reefs and shoals.    The tiny wooden vessels drew small arms fire from Mount Suribachi, but refused to be deterred from their mission.    No mines or shallows were discovered.    At 0840, the Battleships Nevada, Idaho, and Tennessee moved to within 3,000 yards from shore to provide close support for the UDT team operations scheduled for 1100 that morning.    The three vessels opened fire at almost point blank range.    It quickly became apparent that the Japanese did not intend to take this bombardment lying down, and the covering fire support vessels drew heavy fire from enemy Shore Batteries.    First to receive a hit was the Tennessee, which had four men injured shortly before 0900, though the ship itself suffered no damage.


Around 0930, the Pensacola came close in under the cliffs of the east coast of Iwo in order to provide cover for the minesweepers.    Even though the Japanese had received specific orders to hold their fire, the temptation for one gun crew of having such a juicy target pass within 1,500 meters of its gun proved too much; the enemy gunner opened fire at the heavy Cruiser with the 150mm gun.    The first round was 50 yards short.    The Pensacola took immediate evasive action, but by this time the Japanese had the range and in a matter of three minutes scored six hits on the vessel.   The shells wrecked the combat information center, set fire to a plane on the starboard catapult, punctured the hull, and killed 17 and wounded 120 of the ship’s crew.    Among the dead was the executive officer.    Despite the heavy damage and the extensive casualties, the Pensacola continued to fire as she withdrew to extinguish the fire and repair damage.    She continued to carry out her mission, ceasing fire from time to time while casualties were being operated on and given blood transfusions.


Shortly before 1100, nearly 100 UDT swimmers headed for the sland.    The hazardous mission of these daredevil frogmen was to check beach and surf conditions, look for underwater obstacles both at the approaches to the landing beaches themselves and on the beaches, and to destroy any such impediments while in plain view of the enemy.    As the swimmers neared the Island, they came under heavy mortar and small arms fire.    Covering them were 12 LCIs, stationed about 1,000 yards offshore, from where they directed a steady barrage of rockets and 40mm gunfire against the beaches.    This fire, and particularly the launching of the rockets, presumably led the enemy to believe that an assault against Iwo Jima was under way.    In any case, contrary to the orders they had received to hold their fire until the assault force had landed Japanese heavy artillery to the north of the eastern beaches and at the foot of Suribachi opened fire on the lightly armored gunboats.    In the course of this uneven contest, which continued for 45 minutes, the LCIs absorbed a severe pounding.    An official report noted:



     The personnel of these little gunboats displayed magnificent courage as they returned fire with everything they had and refused to move out until they were forced to do so by material and personnel casualties.  Even then, after undergoing terrific punishment, some returned to their stations amid a hail of fire, until again heavily hit.  Relief LCI (G)s replaced damaged ships without hesitation.



During the furious though unequal exchange of fire, all of the 12 gunboats were hit.    The Japanese damaged LCI 474 so badly that the crew had to abandon the ship; when it capsized later, friendly shells sent it to the bottom.    Intensive fire from Destroyers and Fire Support Ships, and a smoke screen laid by white phosphorus projectiles, were used to cover this operation.    Fire Support Ships took on board casualties from the LCI (G)s as they withdrew.    Altogether, 7 men had been killed and 153 wounded in the LCIs; the Destroyer Leutze also had received a direct hit which killed 7 and wounded 33.    Only 6 of the 12 gunboats, LCIs 438, .449, -450, 466, 457, and 469 made it back to Saipan under their own power.


By 1220 all of the frogmen, with one exception, had been recovered; the fate of the missing man was to remain unknown.    The members of the four UDT teams had accomplished their mission.    Their reconnaissance had disclosed that there were no underwater or beach obstructions or minefield.    Beach and surf conditions were found to be favorable for a landing.    In fact, some of the swimmers actually had crawled out of the water to collect soil samples for examination on board ship.


While the badly damaged LCIs were withdrawing out to sea, the Nevada delivered a heavy and concentrated counterbattery fire against the enemy artillery positions until 1240.    At the same time, the Battleship Tennessee and two others, the Idaho and the Nevada, put down a smoke screen along the entire eastern beach area to cover the withdrawal of the frogmen.    The smoke screen also obscured the view of supporting Destroyers and Battleships, which experienced difficulty in picking out enemy weapons because of the smoke screen over the water and the dust kicked up by shells bursting on the Island.


The work of the UDTs was not completed with the exploration of the eastern beaches; a reconnaissance of the western beaches was scheduled for the afternoon of the 17th.    As elements of the UDTs were preparing for the second reconnaissance, heavy bombardment ships began to pound top priority targets on the east coast.    The heavy enemy fire from hitherto unsuspected positions had brought home to officers conducting the preliminary bombardment the fact that a large amount of damage remained to be inflicted on the enemy installations.    Admiral Blandy revised ammunition allotments upward to permit heavier concentrations of fire against the eastern beaches, particularly those areas sheltering the recently spotted enemy coast defense guns.    Admiral Rodgers, commanding the Gunfire and Covering Force (TF 54), recommended to Admiral Blandy that all available fire power be brought to bear against top priority installations around Mount Suribachi and on the high ground north of the eastern beaches.    This recommendation was approved, and for the remainder of the 17th, Fire Support Units One and Two, including the Nevada, Idaho, Tennessee, Vicksburg, and Salt Lake City executed close range fire missions against those areas.


The UDT reconnaissance of the western beaches got under way at 1615, under the protection of three Battleships and a Cruiser.    Once again, the swimmers drew Japanese automatic weapons and rifle fire, but on this occasion there were no casualties and at 1800 the frogmen, having completed the reconnaissance, returned to their APDs.    One mine was discovered and destroyed.    No minefield or water obstacles blocked the approach to the western beaches.    Both beaches and surf conditions were thought to be suitable for landing.    Twenty-two Marines from the reconnaissance companies of the 4th and 5th Marine Divisions had accompanied the UDT teams on both beach reconnaissance exploits.    Upon completion of these missions, the Marines returned to their units on board Command ships at sea.    The intelligence collected by the reconnaissance men provided assault unit commanders with current information about the area they were soon to encounter.


As a result of good weather throughout 17 February, aviation also carried out destructive raids on Iwo Jima during the day.    Carrier pilots flew a total of 226 sorties, not counting search and patrol missions.    The main targets of these attacks were dual-purpose guns and antiaircraft automatic weapons around the airfields and beach areas.    Napalm dropped by eight Navy fighters during the day had only limited success.    Some of the bombs did not release; others failed to ignite upon hitting the ground.    In any case, there was little left to burn on Iwo.    The Japanese did not remain passive in the face of the continuous air attacks, for heavy antiaircraft fire met the attacking planes.    A force of 42 Army Air Forces B–24 bombers dropped bombs from an altitude of 5,000 feet, scoring hits in the target area.    As far as could be ascertained however, this bombing inflicted little or no known damage to enemy installations.


Late on the 17th, it became apparent that the Japanese really believed that they had repulsed an invasion of Iwo earlier that day.    Radio Tokyo reported that the American landings had been frustrated and that five warships, including a battleship, had been sunk.    In a similar vein, Admiral Soemu Toyoda, Commander in Chief of the Combined Fleet, sent the following message to Rear Admiral Ichimaru on Iwo:



     Despite very powerful enemy bombings and shellings, your unit at Iwo coolly judged the enemy intentions and foiled the first landing attempt and serenely awaits the next one, determined to hold Iwo at any cost.  I am greatly elated to know that, and I wish you to continue to maintain high morale and repulse the enemy, no matter how intense his attacks, and safeguard the outer defenses of our homeland.



Even as the Japanese were rejoicing at the thought of having driven an assault force back out to sea, the top echelon of the American invasion force met in Admiral Blandy’s cabin on board the Estes.    The atmosphere was not a joyful one, for only one more day remained, and two days of bombardment had inflicted comparatively little damage on enemy installations on shore.    In fact, following two days of heavy shelling, the Iwo defenses looked more formidable than ever.    In Blandy’s presence, Commander W. P. Chilton, the gunnery officer, and Lieutenant Colonel Weller, representing the landing force, discussed what should be done.    Weller urged that on the last day remaining, all available fire-power be brought to bear against the defenses commanding the beaches.    Admiral Blandy approved this recommendation at once.


According to the modified plan drawn up on the evening of 17 February, four Battleships, the Tennessee, Nevada, New York, and California, as well as the heavy cruiser Chester, were to concentrate their entire armament of 5-,8–, and 14–inch guns in a blanket bombardment of the landing areas.    The ships received permission to fire all unexpended ammunition, except that needed for D-Day, provided the weather permitted it.


Promptly at 0745 on the morning of the 18th, Admiral Rodgers ordered his Gunfire and Covering Force to “close beach and get going.”    These ships immediately moved to within 2,500 yards offshore and opened fire.    In line with Blandy’s special order, the Tennessee and Idaho were to concentrate their fire against the batteries sited at the foot of Mount Suribachi, as well as against the coast defense guns emplaced on the rim of a quarry about 400 yards north of the East Boat Basin.    In executing this vital mission in somewhat less than five hours, the Tennessee expended a total of 333 rounds; the Idaho fired 280 rounds during the same period of time.


Unfortunately, the weather on 18 February was not nearly so favorable as on the preceding day.    Visibility, only fair throughout most of the day, was reduced to poor during the frequent light rains on D minus 1.    Despite the handicap imposed by poor observation, the massive bombardment was having its effect.    When the last day of the preparatory fire ended shortly before 1830, vital enemy installations had sustained massive damage.    Among 201 major targets in the main landing area, 11 coast defense guns, 22 out of 33 five inch dual-purpose guns, 16 of 20 large blockhouses, and nearly half of the 93 pillboxes had been destroyed or heavily damaged.


While Iwo was receiving a final going over by the bombardment group, Seventh Air Force bombers arrived over the Island after a long flight from the Marianas.    Once again the weather failed to cooperate, and the air strike had to be cancelled.    Naval aviators of the Support Carrier Group, commanded by Rear Admiral Calvin T. Durgin, flew 28 sorties against positions flanking the landing beaches.    These were the last of 612 sorties flown by Carrier planes against ground targets on Iwo Jima prior to D-Day.    Only three of the Naval aircraft fell victim to enemy ground fire, and their air crews were rescued.


Late on 18 February, a low-flying enemy plane was to strike a brief but vicious blow against the invasion force.    At 2130, the Blessman (APD-48) was hit by an enemy bomb which exploded in the troop space above the forward fire room.    In addition to serious material damage, 2 of the courageous frogmen of UDT 15, who had emerged from the hazardous beach reconnaissance missions of the previous day unharmed, were killed, and 20 were wounded.    The crew of the Blessman suffered 11 wounded.    This attack on the evening of 18 February was the only action by enemy aircraft to inflict any damage on American units at or near Iwo during the pre-invasion operations.


All that remained now before Marines would hit the Iwo beaches the following morning was the execution of the D-Day fires in preparation for the landings.    This pre-H-Hour bombardment would be the Navy’s final opportunity to pound the enemy defenses before the assault.    In fact, when the heavy support units withdrew from Iwo on the evening of the 18th, the softening-up phase had already come to an end.    On the eve of D-Day, Admiral Blandy sent this message to Admiral Turner:



Though weather has not permitted complete expenditure of entire ammunition allowance and more installations can be found and destroyed with one more day of bombardment, I believe landing can be accomplished tomorrow as scheduled if necessary.  I recommend however, special attention before and during landing to flanks and East Coast of Island with neutralizing fire and white phosphorus projectiles immediately available if required.



The final night before the landings was one of deep soul-searching for General Holland Smith, who found that “the imminence of action and the responsibility for the most appalling operation we had yet undertaken weighed heavily.”    This veteran Marine commander was filled with apprehension by the gravity of the coming battle.    Weeks earlier, Smith recalled, when the Navy had overruled the Marines’ request for nine days of preparatory gunfire and then withdrew two of the 16–inch gunships to provide antiaircraft fire for Task Force 58, Admiral Spruance had told him:  “I regret this confusion caused in your carefully laid plans, but I know you and your people will get away with it.”    Smith realized even then that any curtailment in the duration and volume of preparatory Naval gunfire would be paid for with the lives of many Marines.    Years later, the general was to recall:



     I felt certain we would lose 15,000 men at Iwo Jima.  This number was the absolute minimum calculated in our plans made at Pearl Harbor, although some of my officers wistfully predicted a lower figure.  So far as the Marines were concerned, we had made every preparation humanly possible to capture the Island as expeditiously and as economically as possible.  We were to land 60,000 assault troops, and the estimate that one in every four would be dead or wounded never left my mind.

     I was not afraid of the outcome of the battle. I knew we would win.  We always had.  But contemplation of the cost in lives caused me many sleepless nights.



As night descended upon Iwo Jima and its surrounding dark waters on the evening of the 18th, the preliminary bombardment phase came to an end.    Early on the 19th a new phase, the assault would begin.    The invasion of Iwo Jima would take place without modification of the carefully laid plans.




NEXT:    D-Day on Iwo Jima