Photo Page For H&S Company
Page Three

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Unk and Cpl Dewey
Dong Ha '68

Cpl DeTongue
Bn Radio Chief
LZ Stud '68

M/Sgt Adams
Bn Comm Chief
LZ Stud '68

Cpl Guerra
Bn Radio Operator
LZ Stud '68

81 Mortar Plt
Okinawa 1977

mortar round leaving gun

Entrance to NTA
Okinawa '77

Camp Hansen
Home of One Four, 3rd MarDiv

USS Juneau (maybe)
Heading for 29 Palms, Nov '77

Subic Bay, Philippines
Sentimental Favorite of
Bob Gawinske

L-R, R Willy Bradford, Robert Camacho,Bob Gawinske,
Jim boboaske, Steve Skovil, Ken Matthews

LF-A. Dodson and RF J. Walker
others unk

Frt Row L-R - Capt Owen Renfroe, CO C-Co., 1st Lt. Walt Jones, CO A-Co., Maj Hal Nelson, S-3, Lt/Col Edward A. Deptula, Bn CO, Capt Keith Thompson S-3Alpha, Capt Dick Weede, CO D-Co., Capt Bob Harris, CO B-Co.
Back Row L-R - 1st Lt. Unk, Arty 0, 1st Lt. Olsen, FAC, Capt George Cummings, ALO, Capt Jerry Fagersten, CommO, Gy/Sgt Chambers, OpsChief, Lt. jim Hoffman, Bn Surgeon, Gy/Sgt Villali, 81's Plt CO, Lt/Crd Jim ?, Bn Chaplain, Gy/Sgt Unk, S-4 Chief

Lt to Rt J. Walker, A. Dodson and
Nelson Balignasay

A. Dodson
Front of Mess Hall

Nelson Balignasay

106 Recoil Rifles
living quarters


Bob Bagley

L-R Lester Scott, Bill Rasco
Victor DeCurtis, Sgt. Witschger,
Smooth Johnson

East of Con Thein
May 68

L-R, Ray DeVille and
Cpls Vize, Lindley and Johencen

Cpl DeTonque, Radio Chief
and unknowns

Ronald Edward Satchell
KIA 11Feb68
artillery barrage at C-2

Satchell at home
prior to Viet Nam

day Satchell left for
Staging Battalion, Camp Pendleton

Satchell at MG position
during Operation

The Day Satchell left for PI,
with best friend Willaim Morris

Waiting to mover out
in the desert - 77/78

Pvt Ronald E Satchel during operations
Granite, Neosho, Cove and Kentucky
KIA 11Feb1968 at C-2,
Operation Kentucky

letter writing
at C-2

At C-2

Satchel at C-2

Satchel on mule
at C-2

Luis F Palacios and Family
KIA - LZ Loon - 6 Jun 68

Palacios, Cat and Camacho
Camp Evans - 1967

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